Page 5 of A Slice For My Demon
Kevin stared up at the top of the door as his face caught fire.
He needed to get out of here.
“Is this blood?” the man asked.
“Huh?” Kevin stared at the receipt in the man’s hand. “Yeah, sorry about that.” He thought the receipt was still in his pocket, but he must have handed it to the man. “I cut myself grabbing it out of the truck. So, uh, you can see there that it’s gonna be six hundred and sixty-six dollars even.”
The man studied the receipt and then suddenly grinned. “Aw, sug, but why stop at cold hard cash when there is so much else I could offer you as payment?”
Kevin cleared his throat. “Look, man. I don’t know what’s going on here, and I’m not really interested in finding out. I’ve already seen this horror movie.”
“Really?” The man smiled coyly. “You’ve seen the one where the pizza boy has wild passionate sex with a surprisingly flexible demon?”
“Demon, huh?” Kevin laughed, and he hated how nervous it sounded.
He could almost believe this guy was a demon.
Devilishly handsome described him well, and Kevin couldn’t resist taking another quick peek of the man’s fine figure. Kevin’s cock twitched in his slacks when he dared to look over the man’s ample girth again, and he quickly jerked his eyes back up to the man’s face.
There was something on the man’s cheek, just above the line of his beard.
It looked like blood.
The hair on Kevin’s neck stood on end.
“Absolutely,” the man teased. “Pizza Boy Rails the Demon.It’s a classic.”
“Nah, guess I haven’t seen that one.”
“There’s a sequel planned where they have a three-way with the pest control fellow.” The man posed seductively against the doorframe. “Why don’t you come on in, get comfortable, take all your clothes off, and we can recreate the opening scene. Sidebar, can you put your legs behind your head? Ah, no worries. I can.”
The man’s confidence was impressive—amongst the other things that certainly fueled it.
“I really appreciate the, uh, sweet invite.” Kevin scratched at the back of his neck. “I’m sure your legs look great behind your head, but I gotta—”
“Oh, they lookamazing,” the man promised. “You have to be careful though. Can’t trust the pretty ones. And I am so very, very pretty.”
“Yup. That you are. But I gotta get going though. Maybe some other time.”
There was a woman covered in something red that was definitely not pizza sauce feeding a slice to another woman by the fireplace.
What the fuck kind of place was this?
“I should really go,” Kevin said.
“If that’s really what you think you should do, sug.” The man smirked, dragging his tongue along his bottom lip as he held out a stack of crisp hundred dollar bills. “You’re leaving me no choice except to start ordering a lot more pizza.”
Wait, where did that money come from?
Kevin had been too busy staring at the man’s tongue to be certain, but he was sure he hadn’t seen him grab it from anywhere. The man definitely couldn’t have hidden it on his very naked person. It was as if he’d pulled it right out of thin air.
The receipt was also gone, and the man’s hands were empty except for the cash.
“Well, uh… I’m not always the delivery person. So, maybe don’t.” Kevin couldn’t imagine poor Steve dealing with this man. He shook his head at the money. At a glance, it was easily a grand. “And, uh… That’s too much.”
“I think it’s just the right amount,” the man insisted. “I’ll be requesting you to make my deliveries from now on. I can’t imagine having anyone else handling my extra large meat after this.” He batted his eyes as he stepped closer. “I feel like we’ve made such a connection.”
Kevin could smell scotch on the man’s breath and could feel the heat radiating off his naked body. He scooted back to put some space between them, joking, “Heh, I’m not sure I could even handle all that meat.”