Page 7 of A Slice For My Demon
Kevin could not get the naked man out of his head. It had been days, and he still saw that sly smile with the gold tooth leering at him. No new orders had come in for the Munsters House, and Kevin was surprised by how disappointed he was. Maybe the naked man hadn’t been serious about wanting to see him again.
If anyone had requested Kevin for a delivery, Julie and James hadn’t said anything.
It hadn’t meant anything.
It was only some raunchy flirting with a man who said he was a demon and who had just finished up having some sort of blood orgy.
Jesus, Kevin felt insane.
He couldn’t stop thinking about him.
Maybe some more work would help clear his head.
Kevin bartended at Ripley’s every other weekend. It was an old barn that had been renovated into a bar with a stage for karaoke and a dance floor. Some of the tables were old horse troughs that had been flipped upside down, and one of the old stalls was now a private party room. They played country and classic rock, and there was little to no dress code enforced except the requirement of shoes and encouragement for their patrons to bathe before coming out.
Was it classy? Not really.
But Kevin loved it.
The warm atmosphere and the permanent smell of stale hay was comforting. It was one of the most popular places in town if for no other reason than it was impossible to miss, being a giant barn. It had the added bonus of being catty-cornered across the street from what used to be a Pizza Hut, another unique landmark that made it easy to find.
It was the same Pizza Hut that Steve sometimes mistakenly showed up at for work, and it was doubly wrong for being not only the wrong restaurant but also for having been closed for two years. If Joe saw Steve’s car over there, he was kind enough to give Kevin a call.
It wasn’t a terribly busy night, but it was enough to keep Kevin moving and prevent his thoughts from wandering back to naked men with pretty blue eyes.
Joe was on stage playing a cover of “Renegade.” The crowd was loving it, and Kevin hummed along as he finished pouring a round of drinks for a group of fresh legal girls.
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a man sit down at the bar. “Be right with you!”
He gave the girls their fruity shots and sent them on their way. He ignored their giggling as they were lightyears away from being his type, though he did his best to at least give them a polite smile.
“Okay!” Kevin turned to confidently address the new customer. “Hey there! What’ll you…”
It was him!
Naked man!
Although he wasn’t naked now. He was wearing a black brocade suit with a fancy purple shirt and black tie, and there was a violet flower pinned to his lapel. He had his hair pulled back in a tight ponytail, revealing a sharp widow’s peak Kevin hadn’t noticed before.
Oh, but that smile.
Kevin definitely remembered the smile.
“Hello, sug.”
“It’s you!” Kevin’s eyes widened.
“Yes. It’s me.” The man smirked. “Fancy meeting you here, pizza boy. You’re a man of many talents.”
“Right. You expect me to believe you just happened to come on by?” Kevin laughed. “Doesn’t seem like your type of place.”
“What?” The man batted his eyes. “I can’t appreciate the odor of body sweat and cheap beer?” He turned up his nose. “You’re only saying that because I bathe more than once a week and have all my teeth, aren’t you?”
“Ha ha, very funny.” Kevin chuckled. “What’ll you have?”
“Tequila sunrise with a slice of pineapple, please.”