Page 20 of One Bossy Date
Trying to recover my dignity, I set my things back down on the counter and played it cool. “That’s none of your business.”
He observed me carefully, assessing me. “I’ll help you with the boys.”
“You mean…Ares and Hades, right?”
His lips curved up somewhat, making me feel like a rabbit caught in a wolf’s stare. I had no idea he actually had the ability to smile. He was even more handsome with all the tension gone.
“Yes.” He nodded, completely self-composed. “They’re friendly giants. I’ll show you how to play with them, so you aren’t so scared.”
He’d used the words “how to play with them” to make the task sound fun, instead of “how to act around them.” My law-loving heart didn’t miss any of that. The word “play” was supposed to make the offer sound much more pleasant and me much more likely to agree. How smart he was! Likely a result of sitting at negotiating tables all day. I’d bet he was a skillful negotiator.
But, I was Zoe Jones. Of course, he wouldn’t outsmart me that easily.
If only I didn’t find it so hard to think around him. Grandma Dotty had always taught me to have an open heart and an open mind. So, maybe it wasn’t such a bad idea? If it meant I could keep this contract, and gain a little bit of confidence around dogs, and have a date to my gran’s party, it could be a win-win all round, right? Jim’s scolding words echoed in my head: “Do it.”
“Hades, here,” Mr. Windham called.
As soon as he said the name, Hades came crashing through the apartment, quickly and loudly, missing my legs by an inch. Not expecting that at all, a small screech left my mouth, and I jumped to the side. Mr. Windham let out a chuckle. It was an intriguing sound, and one I was certain hadn’t been heard often—at all.
However, it was at my expense, and that meant I was not impressed. Or at least I couldn’t show him that I was. Quickly, I pulled my eyes from him and looked at the dog. He sat perfectly still, and I took the opportunity to take a closer look at him—with a racing pulse, but no longer with the paralyzing rigidity dogs triggered in me. I was sure even a man like Mr. Windham would not sit calmly and watch his dogs tear me to pieces. I was safe in his presence.
The dog sat unmoving, watching his master.
“You okay? See, he means you no harm.”
I nodded stiffly.
Mr. Windham rubbed the dog’s head. “Hey, buddy. Good boy.” There was an immediate change: Hades’s tail wagged, and his tongue flopped out.
“Ares, here,” he said less loudly, and the second dog appeared.
Both sat wiggling with glee while Mr. Windham dropped to his haunches and scratched behind their ears. I had to admit, that threw me just a little bit. The sight of the two huge dog heads so close to his face was fascinating and frightening at the same time. For the first time, I saw that the dogs were by no means completely black, but had lighter fur on their chests, legs and faces. It reminded me of the swirls of caramel in Mr. Windham’s eyes.
Observing the scene before me, my mind spun.
I needed this business, so I might as well take the help Mr. Windham was offering. All my stress bubbled up, revealing itself as a bullet-point list in my mind:
The rent was due.
Business was bad.
I slept in a damn broom closet,
and Gran expected me to go out with freaking Brody.
With the surplus of income, I could at least pay Jim his hard-earned wages.
So, I did the best I could do. I surrendered.
“Okay, fine. You have a deal, Mr. Windham,” I said quickly, before I changed my mind. “I’ll look after your dogs, and you’ll be my date.” I regretted the words the second they came out of my mouth. What had I done? Had I seriously just agreed to a deal revolving around me...and dogs? Seeing Mr. Windham smile had apparently made my mind go offline.
But before I could take my words back, he said, “Deal. Please, call me Anders.” Only his eyes lifted, and they caught me off guard. They were a lighter shade of brown than before. I assumed the lighting and angle were to blame. It nearly stole my breath though.
“Anders, I’m Zoe. But…well, you already know that.”Could I be any more awkward?