Page 23 of One Bossy Date
While Jim dried off the poor kitty, I relayed the happenings of the penthouse visit—that Ares and Hades were not, in fact, cats, but Rottweilers. As well as the awkward stand-off with me soaking wet and Mr. Windham—Anders—in only a towel.
Jim, having finished with his client, stood howling with laughter. “If you don’t thank the universe, Iwill. This was a hundred damn times better than any book I’ve read lately.”
Jim didn’t know how right he was in his book comparison. “Okay. Stop laughing. It was funny, but not that funny,” I said in a bleak voice.
Wiping his eyes, Jim tried to recover between laughs. “It’s just that…it must be karma. You were only just refusing to include dog services the other day, and here you are, giving it all up for a handsome stranger.”
“More like giving it up for the money, I’d say. Like I said, thankfully, he showed me how to work with them. They’re a lot less mean than they’re hyperactive, to be honest.”
“Yeah. That’s how most dogs are. They’re not all snappy little devils, you know.”
“Maybe…but I’m only focusing on these two for the moment. Don’t think you can update the website now.”
“Well, darling, why don’t you use this opportunity to learn something new? Honestly, it couldn’t hurt. This is the universe giving you the perfect chance to overcome your fear of dogs, just in time to help the business along.”
“I know you’re right. And I’m going to try, I promise.” I drew in a strengthening breath, all giddy and excited to get to the fun part of the story. Jim was going to die. “Besides, it’s not all bad. We made a deal,” I told him casually, letting my words hang in the air.
“A deal?”
“I’ll help him with his dogs if he helps me.” I shrugged with a sassy smile.
With one eyebrow highly raised, Jim crossed his arms. “Help you?”
“Yes. It seems that miracles do happen.” I lifted my hands in a dramatic show of surrender. “You were right. An irrefutably handsome man in a dark tailored suit, who happens to be a billionaire, crossed my path and I—by accident, really—asked him to be my fake date.”
As the words fell from my lips, Jim’s mouth slowly dropped open.
Then, loudly, he asked, “What?”
“Well, I didn’t actually ask him. I just commented and he pretty much offered—”
“Bitch, hang on!” He lifted a hand, clearly needing time to process that his plan had actually panned out. “What? He’s going to the party with you? To Dotty’s seventy-seventh birthday party?”
“Holy mother of Jesus.”
“I know.” I did not do a happy dance. But, my feet did wiggle a little. Maybe a few taps.
“I fucking love it when I’m right.” He wiped an imaginary tear from his cheek, before shouting, “Zo! How did it even happen? Tell me everything. Did he have a girthy dick? You know, under the towel?”
“Jim! How would I know? He wasn’t naked. The towel covered his dick.” I laughed incredulously, shaking my head, but my mind wandered to the whole droplet-V moment.He must have a girthy one…I mean, he’s a big guy. And he definitely walks around with that girthy dick energy.
“You would know from looking at his bulge.” He seemed to leave out the “duh, obviously” at the end of his sentence. “Did you not look at his towel? Come on, girl. Not even a peek?”
“Well…I did but—”
“Was there a bulge?”
“There was most certainly a bulge.”
“Oh, honey. Honestly, good for you. You’ve caught yourself a live one.”
“I’ve caught nothing. It’s a fake date, remember? I’m not going to sleep with him.”
“You’re not?” Jim appeared disappointed. “But you could. And you fucking should!”
I waved the idea away like a pestering fly. “Well, I won’t. He’s still a controlling, grumpy, egotistical man.”Even though he loves his dogs like a softhearted father.“Plus, technically, he’s my boss now.”