Page 62 of One Bossy Date
All the sexual tension that had my dick—hell, my entire body— rigid, left me, and I eased with contentment. For now.
* * *
“Good morning, Caroline,” I greeted my assistant, passing her desk on my way to my office.
It had been a month since Zoe had started living with me. I was surprised at how comfortable I felt with her there.
We only saw each other in passing. With my duties as CEO, on top of my work on the presentation, and her acquiring new clients at her boutique, we were both so busy that we only ran into one another periodically. Zoe’s advent calendars were an overnight success, news of them quickly spreading in the cat community as a perfect gift idea for the holiday season. I couldn’t be more proud of her. Her shop was open also on the weekends—that was when I worked or went out on rides with Dax.
Her presence was nice though. I started noticing it through a few of her things scattered around the place—a book on the couch (the book was cover-side down so as to hide the cover), her pink-as-shit lipstick on the entry table. She’d added new dog treats to Ares and Hades’s cabinet, and I noticed them running around with new toys as well. I truly appreciated the above-and-beyond care she was giving the boys, so I made sure there was always coffee waiting for her in the mornings when I left the penthouse before her.
I thought about that second kiss many times, and often fantasized about demanding a repeat, but I just couldn’t find the right opportunity. It would present itself though, and God knew, I’d be taking that shot.
“Well, you’re awfully chipper this morning.” Caroline’s voice was full of surprise.
Turning around, I said, “I didn’t even smile. I just said good morning.”
“I know, but I can tell.” She set me up in my office with my messages and a cup of coffee. “Things must be good at home,” she pried a little further.
She knew Zoe was living with me, but of course, I wasn’t going to explain anything about the true circumstances to her.
“Tomorrow is the presentation to Humphries, as you know.” I sat back in my chair, looking up at Caroline. She now leaned a hip against the side of my desk.
“I know.” She smiled. “As requested, I’ve cleared your schedule today.”
“Good, thank you.”
“Will Mr. Daxton be joining you?”
“No, he won’t.” I had tried to convince him on our last bike trip, but he was kicking against anything company-related, even though I rather enjoyed his thoughts and feedback on current projects whenever he wanted to give them. I opened my laptop.
“Pity…I can see him here,” she continued. He’s got the ambition to get things done. He’s got aspirations. And drive.”
I looked back up at her.
“Well,” she added quickly, “only if you’re actually in South America. Otherwise, you’re my favorite, sir. Of course.”
“Of course.” I took a sip of my black coffee. “You’re always welcome to join me there, Caroline. You know that.”
“Yes, yes, and you know I’d love to. I really do. But I can’t. My whole family is here.”
“Is that the only reason you’re staying?”
“Well…what other reason would I need?”
“Your own happiness?”
“They make me happy. I can’t say I’m happier than when I’m around them, laughing at my son’s jokes and holding my little niece.” She smiled as she spoke, and it was clear how much she enjoyed her family. How much she loved them.
“And gossiping with your sister, no doubt.”
She laughed. “Exactly. That’s when I’m happiest. So, there’s no question about it.”
“Okay.” I inclined my head. “The offer will always be open though.”
“Thank you, Mr. Windham,” she said sweetly. “I appreciate that.”
Once she’d left, I swiveled around in my chair and stared out the floor-to-ceiling windows at the view of Manhattan. I’d always thought there was no question of where I wanted to be, but recently, those in my life were making me question that. My mother, mostly. And Zoe. Zoe loved the city, so did Dax.