Page 68 of One Bossy Date
“Which was perfect, actually. Because as soon as we got back to the living room, my mom said she’d been looking for us.”
“Oh, God! Imagine if she’dfoundyou.”
“I’d rather not, thanks,” I said. “All right, my turn?”
“Yes! Give me a good one.”
I thought it over. Zoe had an unavoidable ability to get into tricky situations. She and I knew that she didn’t always handle them too well. So, I said, “How about your most embarrassing sexual moment?”
“You mean, besides what happened on my first day here and in the bathroom the other day?”
I nodded. “Yes, besides that.”
She tilted her head, looking into the night sky. For the record, there were no stars. Pollution. The combination of building lights, streetlights, and spotlights worked together to fade the night sky. “Okay, um…” She tapped a finger to her lips. “Oh, right.” She remembered something, but she looked into my eyes, squinting. Clearly, she wasn’t enthused about retelling the story.
“Listening,” I pressed.
“Okay. Welp, here goes. I was nineteen, still staying with my gran. And there was a birthday party for my eight-year-old cousin. Being a teenager and in love, I invited my boyfriend.”
A pang of jealousy hit me, which was ridiculous. “What was his name?” I wasn’t really interested in his name, just in a coincidence that might prove his name choice funny, like Braelynn Brown’s.
“I think his name was Chad. I don’t recall his last name. Sorry.”
That was a good sign. I relaxed. “Go on.”
“So, while the games were taking place, we snuck off to the pantry in the kitchen. And we’d done it once or twice by then, so it was supposed to just be a quickie. Well, it was even quicker than that, because just when he got it in, we heard this little voice right next to us—literally an inch away—‘Sorry—can I get the chip dip?’”
“Oh, shit.”
“Yeah. One of my cousin’s little friends apparently didn’t know that we were ‘busy.’ She was too small to understand. She just wanted us to move away from the dip.”
Zoe shrugged, and I laughed aloud. “Did your gran ever find out?”
“Well, I don’t think so. The girl definitely told her mom what she saw though, ‘cause later I got some seriously hateful looks from that lady.”
“Good story.” I chuckled, imagining the scene and the horror on Zoe’s face.
“Okay, my turn again.” She stretched her arms out, getting more comfortable, placing her legs over mine. “You don’t mind, do you?” She didn’t even wait for my answer, and I felt a jolt in my dick. “I’ve got a good one—where’s the weirdest place you’ve had sex?”
“Weirdest—let me think.”
“Yeah, the most unconventional.” She moved her foot slightly, teasing very close to my crotch, successfully awakening my dick further.
“All right.” It was getting harder to concentrate. “I guess on an airplane is pretty conventional, compared to, say, my mother’s sauna.”
She removed her foot. “Seriously? Your mother’s sauna? How old were you then?”
“Oh, no, I was a fully grown adult. That’s what makes it weird. She was hosting one of her over-the-top extravagant dinner parties, and I was bored out of my mind. So, I took my date and found a secluded room.”
“Oh, my goodness! Your mom didn’t find out. Or, oh, my God, did she?”
“No,” I said. “Thank God. But Dax did. He was a teenager, walking to his room and saw us gettingbusy.”
“What did he do?”
“Gave me a thumbs-up and ran out.”
She let her head fall back and laughed. “Wow…what a hero.” She’d been edging closer to me, leaning forward in the tub. “So,” she said, “which position is your favorite?”