Page 89 of One Bossy Date
Tonight, for example, I’d been proud to have her on my arm. She had taken her role as hostess seriously. She’d handled the evening exemplarily, and I was kicking myself for not being in the shower right now, taking that dress off for her, teasing her gorgeous tits and making her come all over my cock. It was just I didn’t know where the line was. Now that we’d actually had sex—fantastic sex—it was impossible not to want it again, and again. And, it was implausible to move to separate beds afterward, if not just outright weird.
So where was the fucking line? Because I wanted to cross it just to have her in my arms a moment longer.
It went without saying that all the above was not really an option because I would be leaving the country soon.
That was why I didn’t join her in the shower tonight.
There were too many “what-ifs” that could never come to be, anyway. When Zoe emerged from the bedroom in her sexy-as-shit nightgown, barely covering her ass, I decided to pry into her thoughts a little.
“Enjoy the shower?”
She looked up from the kitchen counter where she’d started making a cup of tea. I strolled toward her, now free of my jacket, with my shirt sleeves rolled up, and a hand casually in my pocket.
“You have no idea,” she hummed. “It always feels good to wash the makeup and perfume off before bed. You want some tea?”
“No thanks. I wanted to ask you something real quick.”
“Shoot.” She held her cup in both hands, the little tea bag string dangling from between her fingers.
“Do you still have your old apartment?”
Standing up straight, she froze. “I do, yes.”
“Yes,” she answered quickly. “Why?”
“Relax. I’m not asking you to leave,” I said, and she calmed again. “I’m wondering why you haven’t moved any more of your things in?”
“Oh.” She thought about it for a minute, sitting down. “Well, as I said, the place was already furnished so I don’t have any furniture to bring…and besides,” she picked up the little string and swirled the tea bag around her cup, looking down into the liquid, “it’s better to not get too attached, right?”
Fuck. Not what I had hoped to hear. “Right.”
“I mean, I’ll have to move out again soon anyway, right?”
“Right.” I nodded. “I guess that’s true.”
“Right,” she repeated and smiled at me, but I thought I detected sadness in her eyes. “I’m gonna get to bed. Tomorrow is work again.” Just before she turned, she said, “Anders, I’m glad you have the opportunity to give your presentation after all, I really am. But…does that mean you’ll be leaving at the end of the year?”
“It depends on how the presentation goes and how quickly we can wrap things up. Maybe it’ll be February or even March.”
“Oh, okay. No problem. Well, good night.”
“Yeah. Sleep tight, Zoe.”
“Sweet dreams, Anders.”
I walked through the penthouse, switching off lights but leaving the twinkling Christmas lights on. Ares and Hades were drooping at my heels, patiently waiting for bedtime, even though they were exhausted. They’d been up and down between guests all evening. I fluffed their beds in the living room and they both circled the pillows before flopping down.
“Goodnight, my boys. Thanks for not biting my brother’s balls off, and for not slobbering over Mom’s suit and for not eating all mycrèmebrûlée. You were being such perfect hosts tonight.” I scratched behind their ears, and they looked up at me lovingly. “Love you guys too.”
At least I knew that for sure.
December 24th