Page 76 of Real Fake Husband
“Josie,” I say. “What—?”
Theo is right behind me, and when she realizes it’s him, she swears, bolts out of the bed, her mind-blowing tits bouncing, and slams the door in my face. It all happens so fast, it takes a second for me to catch up. My mind is stuck on the image of her waiting for me in bed, in barely-there clothing with candles around her.
Shifting to face Theo, I’m met with a confused expression. I get the feeling he didn’t see anything. Good.
“Is Josie okay?” he asks, concern lacing his tone.
“You guys need to go.”
“Why? What happened?”
“Just go.”
He knows by my tone of voice that I’m not in the mood to argue.
Also, he’s a man.He ain’t dumb.
“K.” Turning around, he heads back into the living room, and I hear him say, “Hey, guys, we need to bounce. Now.”
There’s confusion, but Theo ushers them out the door. It pains me to step away from the bedroom door, but I do so I can lock up after them.
All I can think about is getting my hands and mouthonJosie—and my tongue and dickinJosie.
Alone at last, I waste no time banging on the bedroom door. “Josie, let me in.”
“No,” she shouts from the other side.
Shit. I was afraid of this. That look of horror on her face is burned into my memory. Fuck, fuck.
Gotta smooth this over.
I knowexactlyhow.
So, I say, “You got all sexed up and aren’t even going to let me ravish you? Now that’s justfuckingselfish.”
“Goaway, Cal.”
“Come on, the guys are gone. Pretty sure nobody saw anything.”
“I’m never going to be able to look Theo in the eye again. I’m sofreakingembarrassed.”
“Babe, chill—you have nothing to be embarrassed about.” She really doesn’t. I did get a good look at her, and all I know is, what I saw would drive any man fucking crazy. “Nobody saw nothing.” I try the doorknob again, but it doesn’t budge. “Josie, unlock the door.”
“Of course I have a reason to be embarrassed! I tried to do something slightly impulsive, and it blew up in my face. I can’tbelieveTheo saw me in lingerie.”
Chuckling, I lean against the doorframe with one hand, using the other to push my hair from my face. “Babe, he didn’t see anything. All he saw was my back. I was in his way. I’m the only one who saw what you’re working with. I gotta say, I have a smoking-hot wifey.” My dick is still semi-hard from the view she gave me.
She doesn’t answer right away. “I’m not in the mood to be teased right now.”
“I’m not teasing you,” I rumble deeply. “Seriously, who cares about those guys? This isn’t about them. It’s about us. Right now, I want you to open this door and give me a better look at that sexy little number you’re wearing.”
There’s silence.
I wait impatiently.
“Open, baby. I’m not gonna repeat myself,” I growl. “Or do you wanna get a spanking?”
I’m just about to bust down the door when I hear theclickof the lock.