Page 83 of Real Fake Husband
I reach above to grip the headboard while tossing my head back, needing something to grab onto, to ground me. Cal groans, one of his hands sliding up my stomach, between my breasts, a movement he performed earlier but still hot a second time. He grips my chin, his palm against my throat and forces my head back down so our eyes meet.
“Look at me,” he orders breathlessly. “Look at me when I fuck you.”
At his words, my insides flutter, and I do as he says. I find myselfwantingto listen, wanting to please him, and obey whatever he says. Our eyes lock, and that smirk shifts into something else. His top teeth dig into his bottom lip every time he thrusts inside me, and I clench around him.
“Jesus, Josie.”
To make a man like Cal pant and moan, to feel the tremors through his body and know that I’m the reason he’s like this, fills me with sheer joy. I lose track of how long we’re together like this. It’s like now that we’ve finally had each other, we can’t get enough. I know I can’t, and my heart races, knowing I’m not alone.
In an explosion of passion, we both come.
Cal has learned my body quickly. He knows where to touch me and how to draw an immense reaction out of me. It’s like he gets off by getting me off, and boy, does heeverget me off. I don’t bother keeping count.
By the time I’m spent, and my body is aching for rest, the sun has set, and in the darkness of night, the stars gleam through the bedroom window. The bedroom is bathed in shadow, giving everything a dreamlike quality. Makes sense. I must be in a dream if I’m feeling this good.
Cal rolls over to face me. “Fuck, we both needed that.”
I curl against his side, draping myself across his chest. His arms automatically come up to hold me close. “I think I’ve lost the use of my legs,” I admit, kissing his heart tattoo.
“That means I’ve done my job right.”
We take a quick shower together and return to bed. I can’t help but giggle breathlessly at the switch that’s happened. I went from never wanting him to touch me to not being able to get enough of him. All in a very short period of time.
I’m struck by how beautiful he is. The glow from the city lights cuts through the shadows just enough for me to see his handsome face. His green eyes are soft and gazing at me with indescribable emotion—it’s almost too much to stand.
“You’re a sweet angel.” He shifts to grab the blanket again, and when it’s draped over both of us, we get comfortable. He’s warm and inviting, and I can’t bring myself to break contact. Not that he wants me to, if his grip is any indication.
He’s holding me close, as if he’s afraid I’m going somewhere.
There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.
My eyes start to droop, and I yawn, realizing how exhausted I am. At least it’s the good kind of exhaustion this time. The kind that comes from doing naughty things with a super-hot man. I glance at the alarm clock, startled to see how late it is.
“Whoa. I should get some sleep. Definitely lost track of time.”
“Yeah, I have that effect on women.”
“Geez, why do you have to ruin the moment by talking?”
“Same reason you have to ruin the moment by overthinking. It’s just what we do.”
His voice is light, and I know he’s teasing me. Instead of being annoyed, it only makes me laugh. I slide off him and lay my head on the pillow next to his. Cal scoots closer, draping his arm around my waist and tucking me under his chin, against his chest.
“You’re right though. We should get some sleep,” he says through a yawn. “If you’re good, maybe I’ll give you a little something-something before you go to work tomorrow.”
I would roll my eyes if it didn’t sound like the best idea in the world. “Sounds good to me. Also, I guess you don’t have to sleep on the couch tonight.”
“Good. Because I wasn’t planning to. Nor are you sleeping on there again. You’re staying right here with me. That way I can have quick access.”
“Quick access to what?”
“Take an educated guess,” he says.
“Only if I get quick access too.”
“To what?”
“Take an educated guess.”