Page 124 of With This Woman
The doors open and I’m on the move again, pulling Ava past the collections of designer clothes, most, I note as I briefly scan them, a suitable length. “This way,” I sing, happy.
I suddenly feel her resistance, not surprisingly since the personal shopping department just came into view. “No, Jesse,” she says, adamant, trying to remove her hand from mine, digging her feet in. “No, no, no. Jesse, please.”
I focus on pulling her along, working on my speech to talk her round as I do. She’ll be fine when she settles down. When she forgets about money and independence. I want her to enjoy this. “I have an appointment with Zoe,” I say when we arrive.
“Mr. Ward?” the young chap says, looking down at an iPad.
“Please, this way. Can I get you any drinks? Champagne, perhaps?”
I look at Ava. I’m even willing to let her have a glass if she’ll just humor my need to spoil her. But she refuses, shaking her head, now quiet. Apprehensive.
“No,” I say to the assistant. “Thank you.” We’re led into the waiting room and offered a seat, and I lower, pulling Ava down with me. She snatches her hand from mine. “What’s up?” I ask tiredly like a dick, reaching for her hand again, holding it.
“Why did you ask me where I wanted to go if you’d already made an appointment?”
“I don’t understand why you would want to trail around a dozen stores when you can have everything brought to you here.” Ava’s version of shopping sounds like hell. Don’t tell me she’d prefer that over this. It’s easy. Pain free.
“Is this how you shop?”
“Yes.” I sigh, done with this debate over fucking shopping. “And I pay for the privilege so just humor me, will you?”
Her lips purse, and I brace myself for the incoming hissy fit but, God love her, Zoe breezes in, her timing perfect. “Jesse,” she says, her arms open in invitation. “How are you?”
Stressed. I go to her, letting her say her hello. “She doesn’t want to be here,” I whisper. “Make this fun.” I pull away. “Zoe. I’m good.” She doesn’t know it yet, but Zoe is helping me in more ways than one, so she’s about to be hit with some serious charm because it’s going to take longer than she’s booked out for me. “You?” I give her a big smile, and she gives me a dubious one, eyeing me with suspicion and confusion. Because in Zoe’s world, who wouldn’t want to be in Harrods being spoiled?Exactly.
“Great,” she says slowly. “This must be Ava.” Abandoning me, she moves in on Ava, obviously keen to find out what it is about this woman that’s got me under the thumb. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Ava smiles, awkward as fuck, and accepts Zoe’s hand. It’s a step in the right direction. She’s not left yet. I’m depending on Zoe now to make sure she doesn’t. “So, Ava, Jesse tells me we’re looking for something special for an important party.”
“Somethingveryspecial,” I add, sitting again, helping Ava down too, ignoring her constant, poorly concealed dirty looks.
“Okay, what’s your style, Ava?” Zoe asks, and I laugh to myself.Short things.“Give me an idea of what you like.”
“I don’t have a style really.”
Lie. She likes anything that’ll give me heart failure. “Lots of dresses,” I say. “She likes dresses.”
“Youlike dresses,” Ava retorts quietly. I pout, hitting my knee with hers.
“You’re about a ten, yes?” Zoe asks, looking down Ava’s frame.
Yes, a perfect ten.“Not too short,” I blurt, recoiling at my own words. Did I say that out loud?
When Ava turns a disbelieving look my way, I know I did. I smile, kind of sorry, kind of not.
“Jesse, she has fantastic legs,” Zoe pipes in. “It would be a shame to waste them.” I glare at her. Does she want this commission or not? “What shoe size are you, Ava?”
“I’m a five.”
“Great, let’s go.” Zoe stands and, surprisingly, Ava joins her without any need for persuasion.
“I can’t believe you’ve done this to me,” she moans, and I smile, because I can see she’s coming round to this. She just doesn’t want to let me have my way.
I give her a quick kiss. “Let me have my fun,” I beg. “I get my own little fashion show with my favorite lady modeling.”
“Who gets to pick the dress, Jesse?”
That’s only a small part of my game plan. “You do.” If they’re in the acceptable pile. “I’m just observing, I promise.” I smile my sincerest smile, willing her to be openminded for the next hour or two. “Go on, knock yourself out.” I lower back to the couch and get my mobile out, ready to kick the next part of my plan into action, discreetly peeking up, watching Zoe lead Ava away.