Page 40 of With This Woman
“Oh my God,” Sarah howls, clinging to the doorframe to hold herself up. “This is priceless.”
I snarl at Sam, who shrinks farther in his chair, mouthing a sorry as John walks in. He looks at Sarah, who’s still hysterical. Looks at me with a face like thunder. Looks at Sam who’s sheepish.
“What?” he asks. “What the fuck’s going on?”
“Jesse’s little plaything doesn’t know how old he is.” Sarah’s head gets tossed back, her laughter increasing. It’s unbearable. And...plaything?I am out of my chair like a bullet, stalking across my office, ready to rip her sick head clean off her shoulders. Obviously, once I make it to her cackling form, I don’t rip her head off. Wouldn’t. Couldn’t. And she knows it. “You’ll keep your big fucking trap shut.”
“Promise,” she coos, pivoting and dancing happily away.
“How the fuck did Carmichael ever love that woman?” I ask when she’s gone, my head in my hands.
“She wasn’t this twisted back then,” John says on a sigh, looking across at Sam. “I saw your car outside a certain flat this morning.”
“We’re friends,” Sam grunts, turning his attention to me. “When the fuck are you going to put an end to this stupid game you’ve got going on with Ava?” he asks. “Man, I’m tired of dodging the bullets. Soyoumust be fucking exhausted.”
“Who’s exhausted?” Drew asks, strolling in.
I throw up my hands, exasperated. “What is this, the new venue for your morning coffee club?”
“Would love one.” Drew drops onto the couch and gets comfortable. “No sugar, an extra shot.”
“Why aren’t you at work?”
He gives me a sarcastic smile. “Just checking you’re still alive. And sane.” His eyebrows raise slowly. “And sober.”
I roll my eyes and leave the boys, stomping to the spa, finding peace and quiet in the men’s changing rooms. I sit on a bench and dial Ava, just needing a little hit to get me through the rest of the day. But a text comes in before I can connect. And my heart sinks. Sarah didn’t waste any time letting Freja know.
I just got a message from Sarah. Thanks for nothing.
I reply quickly.
It’s nothing personal. But it will be very personal if you want to make it. I can dig up dirt and make it yours, Freya. Now is the time to let things go.
I wait a good five minutes for her to retaliate, but I get nothing. It doesn’t make me feel any better. But something will. I finally dial Ava.
“Hey,” she chimes, sounding cheerful.
I feel anything but. “God, I miss you.” This morning has been the longest morning ever. It doesn’t bode well for our future together.
“Where are you?”
“At The Manor,” I pretty much grumble, glancing around the empty changing rooms, Sarah’s wicked cackle still echoing in my ears. “Everything is under control. I’m not needed here.” Unless someone wants to rub me up the wrong way. “Do you need me?” I ask hopefully.
“Always,” she whispers, and I sense the smile in her tone. She likes that I’m missing her.
“Now?” I’ll watch her work. Take her to her appointments. Does she have any? And if so, with who?
“Jesse,” she breathes, bursting my bubble. “I’m at work.”
“I know.” I drop my head into my hands. “What are you doing at this precise moment?” I wince before she’s spoken, praying she’s in the office and not out for any fancy lunch meetings with fancy Danish men.
“I’m on my way to a client, and I’ve just got here,” she says. “So I’ll have to sign off.”
“Oh,” I grumble, wanting so badly to ask who her meeting is with, but not wanting to risk raising suspicion. “Okay.”
“I’ll stay at yours tonight.”
I frown into my palm. “I would hope so. You live there.”