Page 20 of Say You'll Stay
We order another round of tacos and sodas, and I am happy she lets the topic drop. While waiting for the food, she says, “You know, I don’t remember you dating since then, either.”
I shake my head. “I’d rather focus on my career. It’s the only thing that’s never let me down.” I pause. “Besides you.”
She smiles beatifically. “Aw. And if you’re ever going to date again, Beau MacMillan isn’t a terrible place to start.”
“A client and a suit?” I laugh. “No, thank you.”
“There are worse attributes than wearing a suit to worry about.”
“A suit that I’m working with? Absolutely not. And certainly not one that’s an arrogant asshole who could ruin my entire career trajectory.”
“I thought you said he wasn’t so bad.”
I shrug. “He’s not. But then sometimes he’s just such a dick about things—"
“Then why are you smiling when you say it?”
I laugh. “I’m not sure. He confounds me.”
She raises her perfectly arched eyebrows. “Sounds like there’s something—"
“There’s not. Trust me.” The tacos are ready, and I am happy to fetch them. No sense in even thinking about Beau like that. He is off limits.
“What do you mean early to bed, early to rise? How old are you?”
Savannah laughs. “I need my beauty sleep. We are going to the beach tomorrow. What if I were to meet some fabulously wealthy man from an old money family? Somerset Harbor is rife with them. I need to look my best.”
“You have got to be kidding me. You don’t need any money.”
“Well,Idon’t need money, but our kids could. Or they could use his connections in life—old money families always have the best connections.”
I laugh and roll my eyes. “You’re being ridiculous and you know it.”
“Going to bed at 8 o’clock at night is not exactly ridiculous. Plenty of people do it.”
“Yes. Those people are called babies.”
“And those babies look fresh and as young as the day they were born.” She giggles herself, and I can’t help but to do the same.
“You’re a little bit of a nut, you know that?”
“I am being responsible to my future offspring.” She pulls her eye mask down. “Good night.”
I laugh again and turn out the light on the way to my room. The Olson Bed and Breakfast has a seaside theme throughout, but it’s not overdone. My room has navy walls with white trim and those colors decorate the bedding and everything else. A few small whale drawings and a boat wheel-framed mirror are the only nautical items. Otherwise, my room is simple and classy. Savannah’s room is beachier, with sand colored walls and muted blues and taupe on the bedding. Her shell filled glass lamp is topped with a starfish lampshade, but everything else is normal. The owners keep things fun, but not over the top. It’s rather cozy.
Back in my room, I try to get distracted by the TV, but I’m not. My mind is too busy. I turn out the light and lie there, thinking in the dark for hours. Talking about West Virginia makes me think about that whole mess. I can’t help but wonder if Jimmy Wayne is okay. I hope that he is. Back when we were in high school, he was a decent enough guy. Just not the right one for who I am now.
In the morning, I smell a bit of heaven that is so enticing that I wake up because my stomach is growling. I know that scent. It’s in my DNA. Buttermilk biscuits.
I dress in a hurry and knock on Savannah’s door. “Wake up.” Then I am off to the dining area. The room is a blur, because all I care about is getting biscuits. I find a table for me and Savannah—there doesn’t seem to be any formality to it, so I just grab one.
Ellen, one of the owners of the place, smiles as soon as she sees me. “Elsie, good morning. Coffee?”