Page 42 of Say You'll Stay
“Clearly, not enough, or she’d have something closer to what you want.”
Beau stands up, and I catch a flash of red in his pocket.Oh shit. My underwear.As he paces, I’m sure Cormac has seen my panties in his brother’s pocket, and I am mortified. “The problem is right there, on your face. The trad design is too Cargillian, and the modern design is too space-age sixties. What I don’t understand is why there can’t be a way to meet in the middle.”
“So, you want space age Cargills?” I ask.
“If I had my druthers, that name would never be spoken in my office ever again.”
Cormac huffs a laugh. “Like I said.Dramatic.”
“Are you done wreaking havoc, Cormac, or do you plan to stay here to annoy me all day?” Beau asks.
“I can block out my calendar for the afternoon if you’d like me to annoy you further.”
I snort another laugh. “Brothers.”
Cormac grins at me while Beau glares at him. Then the older one says, “I suppose I have taken enough of your time. Elsie, thank you for dealing with Beau. He’s a handful, but he’sourhandful. And if you’d like, I can send you my son’s allergist’s information. She works with people of all ages, and she has been an absolute godsend for him.”
“Uh, yeah. That would be great. Thanks.” Oh right. The lie.
“Sure thing.” He gets to the door, and says, “And Beau, I think you forgot to put on your tie this morning. It’s in your pocket.”
Beau frowns and shoves his hands into his pockets. He laughs, covering. “I was in a hurry.”
“Mondays,” Cormac says with a shrug and walks out the door, closing it behind himself.
Beau closes his eyes and tosses me my underwear. I shove them into my satchel. “That was close.”
“And you’re still wrong about the resort. No matter what Cormac says.”
I laugh and shake my head. “Youarethe expert on being wrong, so I’ll have to take your word for it.”
He scrubs his hand over his face, fighting a smirk. “I think we could use a day to cool off. What do you think?”
“That sounds perfect.” I shove my things into my satchel. “I was looking forward to some sightseeing, anyway.”
He nods once. “Wednesday, then?”
“See you Wednesday.” I try not to trip over my own two feet on the way out, but my knees keep wobbling when I go down the stairs.Dammit, Beau.
Ikeep telling myself that what happened means nothing. Beau is still pigheaded and arrogant. I am still right. Sex changes nothing. No matter how good that was. No matter how many times he made me come.
Sitting in the bath on Tuesday morning, I am at an impasse with myself. I want to ride Beau into the sunset, but every instinct tells me that is a terrible idea. Every instinct but one.
Still, orgasms are not enough to risk my career over.Okay, maybe those orgasms were worth the risk, but in the cold light of day, I have to be pragmatic. Fucking this up means fucking up my career, and my career is the only thing that saved me from a lifetime of changing diapers in a rundown trailer in Sewmond, so I cannot jeopardize what I have built just because Beau MacMillan makes me come screaming like a banshee.
But it’s not just that with him. He pushes me. He confronts me. Every time I do something he doesn’t like, he says so. Without hesitation. I have proven every other man wrong about me, but Beau isn’t convinced. He is a puzzle I haven’t solved. I can’t let that go. It makes him the perfect client. Beau is my greatest challenge yet.
So, I’m not going to screw this up. We will talk like adults, and I will tell him it was a mistake. The hottest sex of my life, but a mistake all the same. I’m sure he will understand. I think he was feeling a bit of that before I left yesterday. We just got caught up in whatever this is, and it got out of hand. But then I think of the weight of his cock in my hand, and I’m all confused again.
Yesterday was the most fulfilling sexual experience of my life. I have never come that hard or that many times in a row. And the way he went for it…I swallow and try not to shudder. It was all just too much—