Page 48 of Say You'll Stay
I roll my eyes and laugh. “Yeah, maybe a little.”
“Won’t happen again.”
But I wish it would.
Ishould stay on point. I should keep talking about the resort. But all I can think of is how much I want to kiss Elise right now.
Even as a teenager, my hormones were never this out of control. Sure, I let a cheerleader ruin my life by doing double homework for years, but that was just an infatuation that never led to anything real.
Yesterday was real, and it was the hottest sex I have ever had in my life.
Shifting uncomfortably on the shoddy couch, I try to ignore the swelling in my cock. It keeps happening every time I think of yesterday. The way she tastes, how she bit my hand to stop from screaming—
Stop. Stop, or you’ll take it all back.I want to take it all back. To tell her I don’t want to be professional with her. I want to tell her I want to bend her over the sink in the café’s bathroom. Elsie Braudel is what I want.
But not enough to jeopardize the resort. Which is what telling the truth could do.
As she talks animatedly about the next steps of the project, I try to pay attention. Site plans, floor plans, all of it is critical. But it all feels like nothing compared to what happened in my office. Still, I try. “In regard to keeping plumbing costs low, what do you suggest for guest rooms insofar as low flow toilets versus traditional?”
“Low flow has come a long way since its introduction, but the bigger concern is pipeline.”
“I thought we’d go slim—"
“You cannot go slim in a massive structure like a resort, Beau. Slim is notorious for call outs, pissed off guests because all they did was pee and the line still got clogged—it’s a nightmare and a half.”
I nod. “And the state regulations—"
“I prefer to go above and beyond state regs for these things. With energy efficiency a growing concern, I think it’s better to start ahead of the curve on the matter. Beat them to the punch, so to speak.”
“Sounds good.” As much as I enjoy arguing with Elsie, agreeing with her has a pleasant side effect. She smiles, and her smiles make me want to kiss her. Which is confusing, since the last time I kissed her, we were arguing.
Fuck. It’s not just the heat of arguing that’s getting to me. It’sher.
Why do I have to have a crush on our architect? This isn’t right. I take a breath and tell myself to stop crushing on Elsie. But she speaks on about electrical plans, and she smiles when I nod along, and that smile starts the cycle all over again. This is ridiculous.
If she weren’t our architect, Elsie Braudel would be perfect for me. She’s smart as a whip. Doesn’t take my shit. Our conversations have an unpredictable quality to them that is addictive. She has a stellar career, too. Her bombshell looks are a bonus. The way her lips curve as she smiles sends a thrill to my cock that I have never had. In fact, I have never felt this way about anyone.
Usually, once I have sex with a woman, the spell is broken. It is the rare woman who maintains my interest for any length of time. I have dated my fair share of the fairer sex, but it goes nowhere. Perhaps my siblings are right about my tastes. I tend toward those for whom a decent conversation is a challenge. I presume that is why Beckett invited Elsie to the clambake. He saw me arguing with her and decided she was the one for me.
Clever bastard.
Wait, what did she say? “I’m sorry. Can you repeat that?”
“Solar panel roofing has become a viable option for buildings such as your resort, which will significantly cut power costs.”
“Is that…tacky?”
She smiles. “It’s no tackier than low flow toilets, LED lighting, or any other energy efficient feature. These are selling points for many people, Beau. Guests want to know that you are addressing these concerns. It doesn’t have to be a huge part of the marketing, but it should be a highlight on the website. When people thinkresort, they do not thinkenvironmentally friendly. But we can change that.”
“I have a feeling you’ll have me changing a lot of things.”
“That’s the idea. Somerset Harbor is growing on me, but there is always room for improvement. As far as the 3D model goes…” She continues, but all I can think of is how much I want to experience her unleashed. In my office, we both had to hold back for fear of Shelly hearing us. Considering yesterday was restrained, how much more life changing would it be if we’d had the privacy to really get into it? Hell, even just having a bed to work on would have been a game changer.