Page 66 of Say You'll Stay
“Are you sure? Those drinks are expensive.”
“No worries.” He teases me, “I see where you get it from.”
I smile at him, and as he leaves, I count my lucky stars to have Beau helping us out.
Mom says, “I know things are… what they are between us, Elsie, but now that it’s just the two of us, am I allowed to ask questions?”
“Sure, Mom.”
“Who is that young man, and how long have you two been dating?”
“I introduced you to him—that’s Beau MacMillan—"
“What I mean is, who is he to you? Boyfriend or fiancé? And I know you did not get married without me there, so I refuse to think he’s your husband.”
I laugh. “Uh, none of that, actually. He’s just a client.”
“What kind of client?”
“I’m an architect and I’m helping him and his family design a resort.”
“A client you were with at two in the morning…?”
She shrugs. “I’m not judging you for sinning before marriage, honey. That’s between you and whatever beliefs you have these days. I am merely trying to get a better picture of what your life is like here. It’s hard, you know? Not having you around.”
“I miss you two. A lot. But you remember how miserable I was in Sewmond, right?”
She nods once. “And I remember how you used to dream of moving to this concrete hellhole. Though I have to say, Manhattan is a lot nicer than I expected.”
“What did you expect?”
“Oh, you know how it looks on the news. Shootings and robberies and the like. Thought it would be Armageddon here.” She smiles and glances at the other people in the waiting room. “I haven’t been held up yet, so I don’t think it’s as bad as they say it is.”
I laugh. “Pretty sure there aren’t any pickpockets around here. But I could be wrong. Best to watch your purse.”
“Good to see Manhattan hasn’t taken the smart aleck out of you.”
“If anything, it’s only gotten worse.”
She chuckles. “Glad to hear it. I didn’t want this place to change you.”
I frown before I can stop it. “What are you talking about? You always wanted me to change.”
Mom huffs. “When you were little, I thought you were going to grow up to be just like me. So, it was a shock when you weren’t. I’m sorry I tried to change you.”
Something hot sticks in my throat. “Thanks for that, Mom.”
She adds, “I said a lot of stupid things back then, and I had hoped you’d forgotten them. But for all those things I said that made you feel you disappointed me, I am sorry. You should know that I love you. Weird quirks and all.”
I laugh and wipe my eyes on the back of my sleeve. “I love you, too.”
“And what about Beau? Do you love him?”
“If he gets here with my coffee soon, yeah.”
She gives me a look. “Seriously, Elsie. I know he’s not just a client. No one does this much for someone without there being feelings involved.”