Page 62 of Gerard
As tears slipped from her eyes, someone clapped. Soon, everyone was clapping. As the applause died down, someone shouted. “Let’s party!”
The band struck up a lively tune; people laughed, danced and spent time with each other.
Gerard guided her over to where his team had resumed their game of cornhole. While he filled them in on what Swede had discovered, Bernie wandered away, stopping to talk with Remy and Shelby.
Shelby’s sister, Chrissy, approached with her husband Alan and their five children.
When Gerard caught up with her, Chrissy’s children attacked him.
Bernie’s heart swelled at how comfortable he was with them and they were with him.
Gerard dropped to his haunches to give them a great big group hug. As he straightened to his full height, he had the baby on one arm and a toddler on the other. They giggled and hugged his face, pressing wet kisses on his cheek.
Gerard needed to have children of his own. He was patient, playful and gentle with them. The Marine would be a good, protective father despite his fear of turning out like the man who’d raised him.
As sweet as the scene was in front of her, the news that she’d had a brother sat like a heavy weight on her chest, making it difficult for her to breathe.
She drifted to the edge of the crowd, standing quietly while thinking about Dean Chauvin. What had he been like? Did he know his father had another child?
“Ms. Bellamy, dis is quite da party,” a deep voice said in her ear.
She spun to face Clayton Fornier, a man who’d been a few grades ahead of her in school. He wore a gray T-shirt that stretched tightly over his barrel chest and thick arms.
Willy Dumas, the man’s sidekick, stood on the other side of Clayton. They were always together. Some of the other farmers in the area claimed they’d caught these two men stealing cantaloupe and watermelons from their fields. One farmer said he’d chased them out of his cornfield one night. If they’d taken any of her produce, Bernie wasn’t aware and gave them the benefit of the doubt. “Clayton, how’s your sweet mother?” she asked.
“She’s all right, I guess,” he answered.
“Willy, I hear your little sister is getting married soon. Is she here tonight?” Bernie looked around at the crowd.
“No, ma’am. Izzy spends most of her time in Baton Rouge with her fiancé.”
Clayton moved closer and lowered his voice. “We figure you found what was out in your field da other night.”
Bernie tensed. Her first thought was of Dean Chauvin’s foot. She nodded slowly, wondering how much these two men knew about the disappearance of her half-brother. “What do you know about it?” Though her gaze was on the band, she kept watch on the two men in her peripheral vision.
“Just dat we ain’t da only ones lookin’ for it,” Willy said. “Da others are more dangerous.”
Bernie frowned, not sure they were talking about the same thing but afraid she’d spook them if she asked outright what the hell they were talking about. “What do you suggest I do with it?”
“If you give it to us, dey won’t have no reason to come after you,” Clayton said. He nodded to the crowd of people. “You got all you need.”
“Ah, there you are.” Gerard joined her and slipped an arm around her waist. “Friends of yours?” he asked, nodding toward the two men.
“Clayton Fornier and Willy Dumas, this is Gerard Guidry...” she paused and added, “my bodyguard.”
The two men stiffened, their eyes widening.
“Nice to meetcha, Mr. Guidry,” Clayton said. “Willy and I were jest leaving.”
“We are?” Willy looked confused.
“Yes, sir.” Clayton nodded to Bernie. “Let us know what you decide.” He grabbed Willie’s arm and hurried away from Bernie and Gerard.
“Bodyguard, huh?” Gerard cocked an eyebrow.
Bernie’s lips twisted. “That was the strangest conversation.”
“You didn’t look comfortable. Do I need to flex my bodyguard muscles with them?” Gerard puffed out his chest and flexed his arms.