Page 69 of Gerard
Shelby took the bag. “Got it.”
Remy slipped an arm around her. “We’ll make sure it gets into the right hands.” He turned to the other members of the Brotherhood Protectors. “Valentin, Landry, Jacque, Sin. You’ll be our escort.”
The men gathered around Shelby as she climbed into her cruiser. Remy got into the passenger seat.
Shelby drove slowly through their neighbors and friends, with the four men walking alongside her. Once they reached their vehicles, they loaded up. One truck moved in front of Shelby, the others fell in behind her. Moments later, three vehicles drove toward the gate.
They slowed as another sheriff’s vehicle with lights flashing entered Bellamy Acres, followed by an ambulance.
By that time, the band had stopped playing and had begun to pack up their equipment. The partygoers gathered their blankets, chairs and children, an air of confusion mixed with concern heavy in the air.
Gerard climbed the steps to the porch and called for their attention. “Bernie appreciates everything you all have done for her, and she hopes you’ve had some good food and a good time here at Bellamy Acres. Thank you for coming. Right now, there are some matters that need to be cleared up with law enforcement. Rest assured, you’re all safe, and Bernie is safe. Members of the Brotherhood Protectors will help direct traffic leaving the farm. Please drive carefully, preferably with a designated, sober driver.”
Bernie took Howey into the house to feed him and get him settled.
Gerard met with the sheriff, bringing Clayton and Willy along to explain their part in the drama and the disposal of Chauvin’s body.
The emergency medical team zipped the dead mafia guy into a body bag and loaded him into the back of the ambulance.
It was nearing midnight when the last vehicle departed, leaving Gerard alone with Bernie.
They stood on the deck, looking out at the debris left behind from the party.
“It can wait until tomorrow,” Gerard said.
“Tomorrow.” She smiled sadly. “It’s all over, isn’t it?”
He nodded. “Now that the money has been recovered, the mafia won’t have a reason to come after you. You’ll be safe.”
She nodded. “I’ll move on with my life, and you’ll move on to your next assignment.”
“You know, you haven’t cashed in that raincheck I owe you,” he said.
She shook her head. “You don’t owe me anything. I owe you my life. Not only did you save me, you reminded me that life isn’t all about work. It’s about relationships, community...and love. I’ve pushed all of that aside over the past three years. It’s time I started living again.”
He nodded, his chest tightening. This felt like goodbye, and it hurt more than being shot or hit with shrapnel.
He'd always walked away, never looking back. Never thinking about who the woman was sleeping with after he left. One time, he’d run into a woman he’d dated a couple of years before. She’d been pushing a baby stroller with a beautiful baby girl all dressed in pink ruffles.
He hadn’t been the least jealous. In fact, he’d congratulated her on her marriage and baby, truly happy for her.
He tried to imagine his reaction if he encountered the same scenario, only the woman was Bernie with a baby that wasn’t his.
His chest burned with something he’d never felt before. He pressed his hand against the spot with no relief.
Bernie with a baby.
She’d make a great mother. Kind, caring, protective. What if she married a man who turned out to be like Gerard’s father?
Gerard wouldn’t be there to protect her and her baby.
The thought made his fingers clench into fists.
“I told you from the start, no commitment, no regrets.” Bernie turned to face him. “Only I lied. To you. To me.” She laid her hands on his chest and met his gaze with a fierce one of her own. “I committed my heart in our first kiss. I had no choice. It’s what my heart wanted. When you walk away like you promised you would, I’ll wonder if I did enough to make you stay. I’ll regret not trying harder. So, here’s me, trying harder.” She leaned up and pressed her lips to his. “We’ve only just met, but we’ve lived a lifetime in the past forty-eight hours. I know in my heart you’re the one for me, and, damn it, I’m the one for you.”
Gerard’s heart swelled to the point he thought it might burst from his chest.
Tears welled and spilled down her cheeks.