Page 14 of Escape from Rage
“I’ll marry you too!” Diesel continued.
“Don’t swing that way,” Dave shouted through the door.
Nobody laughed, even though it was meant to be funny. Something was amping up in the room, and it was evil.
“Get behind us,” Apache ordered the girls.
They obeyed immediately.
A heavy slam shuddered against the door, and he saw it move.
The skittering noise was back, and their torches were searching the room. Apache and Diesel’s were aimed at the ceiling, and they couldn’t miss it when a dark mass appeared. It looked like an inkblot, but it had depth and form to it.
“Shit!” the cameraman said as he focused his camera on it.
Ghost snatched the night vision camera and focused on the area, and Apache could clearly see the shape of the demon. Beside him, Sunny now held an infrared camera, and again, it showed a determined cold spot on the ceiling. Much colder than the rest of it.
The door shuddered, and Dave and Drake burst in. Instantly, Wild moved, shoving the women out and hurrying them up the stairs. Dave and Drake gazed at where the ceiling was lit up.
“You have no right here! In the name of the Lord, I order you to retreat!” Dave bellowed, holding up a cross.
An old prayer came to Apache’s mind, and he began muttering it as Dave continued his own assault on the demon. Together, they prayed, and the demon shrieked and disappeared. Dave took a few readings, and then they all left the pit of hell the furnace room had turned into.
“That’s a strong demon,” Dave said as we entered the upstairs.
“To banish that, we’ll need help,” Apache agreed.
“Do you know anyone local?” Dave asked.
“There is an old shaman I can call. I’ll try him. Whatever else we achieve, that creature needs to go.”
“Can’t disagree there,” Dave replied as they walked into the open air.
Apache drew the air deep into his lungs. The battle wasn’t over tonight.
Team Three.
Team Three – Floor One – Wing A – Maternity Ward.
Phoe’s plans got more elaborate each year. He dreaded to think about what she might come up with next. However, right now, he was chasing darkness in rooms lit by dim moonlight.
They’d been in the maternity wards for a few hours, yet nothing had happened. Which Chance was grateful for. He did not believe in ghosts, but he also didn’t believe in tempting the unknown.
He glanced across at Thalia and Wraith, who both seemed calm. Levi, on the other hand, was on edge alongside Texas. The big man from Rage kept swivelling his head, expecting to be jumped. Lindsey, Lex, and Cowboy were on his team from Rage, and Lindsey was having a blast. She insisted on investigating every single room.
What made this huge building especially bad was there were four floors and a basement.
They’d already done the basement, which Thalia had hoped might give away some sign of haunting. But for the superstitious members of his team, there’d been nothing. And Chance hadn’t expected anything. It was sad there were four floors; it meant many babies had been born there. Had they all left this sorry place alive?
They were in the main building of the institute and completely alone in this wing. The girls were now walking from room to room, searching for a response.
Chance had just relaxed after the third room had been investigated when a soft wail met his ears. Everyone froze at once. And it was repeated.
“That came from outside the room,” Lindsey said, springing forward and darting out.
Chance reached out to grab her by the scruff of her neck and missed. Cowboy dashed out after her, determined to protect a Rage old lady as Texas and Lex disappeared to the back of the pack. Chance shot them a disgusted glare and shook his head.