Page 16 of Escape from Rage
A high-pitched wail echoed down the hallway, silencing the bickering. Chance twisted his head as two matching screams sounded from down the corridor. There was a sound of running feet, and Thalia and Lindsey came barrelling towards them. Before Chance got his balance, the girls barged into him and Texas, sending them flying. They crashed into the others, and they all fell like bowling pins with the women on top.
Chance stared up, slightly dazed, as Lindsey grabbed the sides of his head and banged it on the floor.
“That was in my ear! Right in my ear!” Lindsey screeched.
Chance didn’t know whether she was excited or terrified, but he knew he was getting a headache.
“Stop banging my head!” he bellowed.
Lindsey’s hands let go of him, and she shoved herself up so she was straddling him. Oh shit, Lowrider would kill him! Chance thought as Lindsey slapped his chest repeatedly.
“My ear, she screamed in my ear. We found the wailing woman!” Lindsey yelled.
“Lindsey! Get the fuck off me before your husband puts a bullet in me!” Chance roared. Lindsey finally seemed to realise just how her position could be seen, and she scrambled to her feet. Chance didn’t miss the look she gave his dick nor the saucy wink she aimed at him.
“You delete that! I ain’t having her man up my ass with a gun. Nor having my wife cut me off!” Chance demanded at the two laughing camera guys.
“This shit couldn’t be scripted,” one of them said, sniggering. They’d all just regained their feet when the wail echoed long and thin down their hallway. It sent all the remaining bats in the wing towards them, and Chance had a bare second to sigh in resignation before Wraith leapt onto his back in terror, knocking him down. Chance reached out to Levi and dragged him down, and one by one, they all ended up on the floor again.
Chance lay there, drawing in long, deep breaths.
“Can’t murder someone on camera,” he kept muttering as Thalia rolled over and elbowed his gut. Levi had dragged her down when he fell. The air left him in a huff, and Thalia squealed as Lindsey grabbed her ankle to sit up. There was a groan as Levi took a kick to the head from Thalia.
“Will everyone stay still and shut up? Including you, you damn wailing ghost!” Chance roared.
Silence fell.
“How rude!”
“Rude?” Chance repeated, wondering if he’d heard right.
“Oh my God!” Lindsey screamed in his ear. “The ghost responded. That means she’s not a repeat one. She is aware. Come talk to us!”
“Someone shoot me now!” Chance demanded. Yup, he had a headache.
“Can’t, Pres, we handed our weapons over!” Levi said as he got to his feet and began hauling people up.
“I can break your neck?” Texas offered in a hopeful tone.
“Shut the fuck up, all of you.”
“Jason, Jason! We have the Wailing Woman in the maternity wing, and she spoke to us!” Lindsey babbled over the radio.
“What did she say?” Jason’s voice crackled.
“How rude!” Lindsey repeated.
She was met with silence.
“Say that again,” Jason asked.
“She said ‘how rude’ when Chance told her to shut up!” Lindsey exclaimed.
“Okay. Good… um… work. See if you can get more from her,” Jason replied, sounding bemused.
“Roger and out,” Lindsey chirped.
Chance rubbed his head. Roger and out? Seriously? He snatched the radio from Lindsey, who cheekily sent his dick another look and grinned.