Page 20 of Escape from Rage
“No, let’s check out the other rooms first,” Calamity replied. They spent the next hour going from room to room, and by the end of it, they were all highly disturbed. The rooms looked like the children had just up and walked out, leaving behind personal items. Calamity cringed as he saw straps to the beds where the kids had been held down.
Phoe had nearly cried when she spied a barber’s chair where they no doubt shaved children’s heads to prevent lice. It was a depressing and miserable place.
“Was there ever any joy here?” Carly asked as they turned the corner to the last set of rooms.
“No,”the word was whispered behind them.
“Who said that?” Lowrider demanded, eyeing his brothers.
“A kid,” Blaze answered, not looking as confident as before.
“Okay, stop yanking chains, whoever did it,” Lowrider ordered.
“Oh shit!” Phoe exclaimed, turning into a room. She tried to push Chatter out, but too late.
“Dolls!” the shriek lit up the silence, and Chatter began backing away.
Calamity sighed. Everyone knew dolls made Chatter meltdown. When Rage got wind of Hellfire coming, all the kids put their dolls away. It was one of the worst phobias Calamity had ever seen.
Phoe rushed towards Chatter, who was paralysed, gibbering madly as Slate tried to move him. It wasn’t working.
“Did that doll's head just move?” Andi gasped, horrified.
“This isn’t the time for jokes!” Phoe hissed as Chatter let out a strangled screech.
“I ain’t joking, watch!” Andi yelled.
They turned and watched a tall, dirty, red-headed doll. Slowly, they saw its head start to turn and its arm raise, and that was all it took. There was a stampede to get out. Blaze and Slate both blocked the door, but Chatter was beyond any meaningful thought process. He leapt up onto their backs and scrambled out over their heads. Slate and Blaze crashed to their knees as Andi screamed.
Calamity couldn’t withdraw his stunned gaze as the doll rocked back and forth. Seconds later, he was chasing his team down the corridor to the main one.
“Crap, we’ve lost Chatter,” Phoe exclaimed. “Base, come in.”
“Go ahead, Phoe,” Axel responded.
“Someone better seek Chatter. There was a room full of dolls, and he lost it. He’s running around somewhere outside like a lunatic.”
“Aw crap. Okay, Rooster and I will go to find him.”
“And one of the dolls moved, but everyone panicked, so I think we need to go back and investigate some more.”
“Heard you, Phoe. I’ll tell the others. Be safe, woman, Axel out.”
When Phoe turned around, she found seven incredulous-looking faces staring at her.
“You did see that doll move?” Andi asked.
“Why are you so panicked? You don’t believe in ghosts!” Phoe retorted.
“We do,” Calamity said, pointing to him and Carly.
“It might have been a rat moving it,” Phoe replied.
“It was standing on a shelf alone,” Calamity challenged. He was not going back to that room!
Okay, he was going back to that room. After fifteen minutes of arguing, Phoe won as usual, and now, armed to the teeth, they were heading back. To say there were some grumpy brothers was an understatement.