Page 40 of Escape from Rage
“Did you just get spanked?” Vivie demanded in disbelief.
“Okay, I’m sorry!” Jett yelled.
Harley and Ezra raised their eyebrows, and smirks crossed their faces.
“Oh wow, spanked by a ghost. That has all sorts of kinky to it,” Ezra said, grinning. He yelped two seconds later when his own butt was whacked hard.
Big Al started laughing. “Mary, I am sure the boys are sorry for being rude. We’ll leave you in peace.”
“Yeah,” Ezra added, glancing around.
“Can’t deny that happened, big man,” Jemma replied, hooking her arm through his. They searched the rest of the ward, getting sporadic responses and names, but nothing like what had happened with Mary.
It seemed as if she was the spokesperson for them all. They allowed her to speak on their behalf and were happy to fade into the background. As they were leaving the ward, Jemma looked back and gasped. The others turned quickly; there, standing in the middle of the ward, was a young nurse. Several men surrounded her, and then they faded.
“Did we capture that?” Jemma demanded.
“Sure as hell did,” a cameraman answered.
“Even in death, Mary’s still looking after her patients,” Harley mused.
“Seems like it, boy,” Big Al said.
He wanted to deny what had happened. But he’d seen it with his own eyes. And heard it with his own ears. There was no denying there was a ghost there. But nothing nasty. It was almost a warm feeling. He bowed his head out of respect to Mary and led his team from the ward.
Food Tent.
Dave Schrader
“Well, I suppose some of you would like to understand what you encountered,” Dave said with a huge grin.
“Wouldn’t hurt!” Drake muttered, looking baleful.
“Team one, you had the morgue. There are stories that came out of there that suggested the doctors performed operations on the bodies. Not autopsies, but illegal operations. A doctor did some crazy shit down there, operating on brains he’d stolen from corpses to try to find a way to cure mental illnesses. He didn’t recognise mental distress for what it was. Some even say the first lobotomies may have been done by him. But he died before he could claim recognition for it.
“The morgue is haunted by a shadow man who some think is the doctor. People have been scratched down there, and sometimes, lines have circled their heads, drawing blood as if their skin was to be pulled back to expose their skull. There’s also a woman down there who was a sex addict. The doctor dismembered her body, looking to see if her sexual organs were any different—to explain her addiction,” Dave said.
“Holy crap, Banshee and Shotgun were groped,” Drake exclaimed, and both men sent Drake a dirty look.
“The shadow man is dangerous. He’s the one that hurts people. Drake, him pushing you corresponds with other people’s stories. So you all had a lucky escape,” Dave elaborated.
“My dick was violated. It doesn’t feel lucky to me!” Shee complained.
Everyone laughed.
“Team two,” Jason said. “You had the crematorium. Rumours state that not every body that went into the furnaces was dead. It’s said a doctor would dispose of particularly troublesome patients by drugging them, declaring them dead, and burning them alive. Nurses called him Demon Doctor. He was also known for raping female corpses and ended up a client here himself before being cremated right there. They say that when he was cremated, a black mist escaped the furnace, and an inhuman cry echoed around the crematorium.”
“Shit!” Apache gasped. “I thought it was a demon. I’ve called a shaman to come in and deal with it. That thing’s pure evil.”
“A shaman isn’t a bad idea,” Jason agreed.
“Team three. You had floor one, Wing A—the maternity ward.The sad fact was some women arrived pregnant, and others got pregnant here. It got to such a point where so many women were raped or seduced that they had to expand it. The wing is haunted by a woman who lost two babies there. Her husband married her for money while in love with his mistress, and that alone had her committed, where she gave birth to his child, and it was taken from her. He and his mistress brought the child up.
“A year after that, she fell pregnant again, raped by a male nurse, and that baby was also taken from her. Her name was Susan Delaney, and she was twenty-three when she died here, unable to bear the loss of her two children. Her records stated she fell into a depression so severe nothing could move her from it. Susan is known as the Wailing Woman,” Dave said.
“She hates men,” Chance said, looking at the scratch on his arm.