Page 9 of Escape from Rage
“What the hell?” Savage asked no one in particular.
“Do you think they experimented on the bodies?” Rosie inquired.
“Yes!”the ghost box declared loudly.
The REM Pod kept going off.
“Can one person answer at a time?” Rosie asked.
The REM Pod shut off.
“Were your bodies tortured here?” Marsha demanded.
The REM Pod lit up.
“Holy shit. Is there evil here?”
“Coming for you.”The voices tumbled from the ghost box.
“I don’t like the sound of that. Who’s coming for us?” Rosie asked.
“The doctor,”a voice boomed. Not from the ghost box, either.
The girls screamed, and Drake bellowed, jumping.
“Look!” Rosie said and pointed.
A shadow detached from the wall, and with screams, the girls raced for the exit. Drake and Savage weren’t far behind. As Drake crossed the threshold of the doorway, something hard slammed into his back, and he stumbled. Savage hauled him upright, and Drake took to his heels. As they ran down the corridor, bellows came from in front of them, and then they all crashed into something, falling to the ground. Torch light flailed as it lit up scared faces and Shotgun and Banshee. Arms and legs flew everywhere, and several people got punched as the women panicked and tried to get to their feet.
“Calm down!” Drake finally bellowed after taking an elbow to the gut from Shotgun.
“We were groped!” Shotgun exclaimed, climbing to his feet and helping the women to theirs.
A low groan echoed down the corridor.
“Yeah, I was attacked. Let’s get out of here,” Drake yelled over the babbling.
“Leave!”a voice drowned them all out. Footsteps were heard rushing towards them, and they took to their heels and fled the basement and out into the entrance hall. None of them stopped as they burst through the door and out into the open.
“It grabbed my dick,” Shotgun yelled, panicked. They all stared at him in disbelief.
Drake began to chuckle, and then, one by one, the others joined in.
“Nobody ever mention I got dick groped by a ghost,” Shotgun demanded.
Drake pointed at the cameraman behind him.
“The whole world knows now, stud.” Drake chuckled.
Shotgun turned and glared at the cameraman.
“Sorry, dude, but your reaction will draw in viewers. It might even make the trailer,” the guy replied with a shrug.
“Shotgun, ghost womaniser,” Rosie teased.