Page 24 of Raven's Spectre
“Then what is she?” Bulldog asked.
“Powerful,” I whispered, remembering the lure of her song, and the endless curves I yearned to sink into.
Virgil cut through the bullshit and simply said what everyone was thinking. “Then she’s your way out. Mark my words brother, God has sent you redemption. Save her and I assure you can save your soul.”
Buzz popped open another bottle of beer and brought it over to me. “Drink up, brother. You’ve got a long few days ahead of you.”
* * *
Bulldog walkedout with me the following night. “Are you sure you don’t need my help?”
“There’s nothing you can do.”
“I can call Keys. He can send out the troops.”
“For what? They’re all under Lucifer’s demons. Virgil’s got a point, I got myself into this, I need to find my way out.”
I hopped onto the bike, but as I kicked down the kickstand, Bulldog placed his hand on my shoulder. “So what happens if you don’t come back?”
“You just rest my body beside my family. I’ll be at peace there.”
Bulldog gave me a sad nod, squeezed my shoulder and as he took a step back, I took off before the knot in my throat got any bigger. Bulldog was like an older brother and there was no one in this world I could be more grateful to. If love and family existed in my world, it took root with that stubborn mule.
Two hours later I was pulling up into the alleyway beside Lucifer’s Embrace. The heavy beat of the music reverberated through the brick walls as I hid the bike in the shadows and made my way to the notoriously seedy club. The neon sign flickered as I approached, its light casting that eerie red district glow over the entrance. Everything about this night seemed quiet, a little too quiet.
I had to remain focused. My mission was clear: just find Raven and talk to her. At least that was the plan. I ignored the fact that I yearned to see her, or that I wanted to put my mouth on those full lips, or kiss the crevice between her thighs.
“Fuck,” I mumured to myself as I was next in line to enter. Even if I could do that, first I had to slip into the shadows, without catching the attention of Serge’s watchful guards.
As I neared the entrance, I expected the bouncers to halt me in my tracks. Yet, to my surprise, I slipped through the door easily, like the ghost I was. Going in and out of places unrecognized was what I did best, and Serge’s confines were no different. Except the supernatural bullshit, of course.
The thumping bass masked my every step as I weaved through the dance floor, eyes scanning the crowd for a trace of her. The club was an erratic display of flashing, writhing bodies, and hedonistic energy, a perfect cover for what I needed to do.
I pressed against the dimly lit corridor leading backstage, my heart racing with the anticipation of finding Raven. The air was thick with the scent of anticipation, a merging of sweat, perfume, and something darker that lingered beneath the surface.
I heard her voice before I saw her. That same melody traveled through the crowd and made its way to me. It was like a haunting serenade that echoed through the backstage corridors. I was mesmerized once again, my focus wavering for just a moment. Her voice, ethereal and captivating, reached into the recesses of my being, resonating in my body. It was a primal reaction, a raw, visceral response to her song. And with it came a longing. I wondered if I was feeling what she was feeling. The melody wrapped around me like a seductive whisper and its impact sent a surge of desire through my veins.
I shook my head, clearing it of that thick fog before it could control my responses. I needed to be on alert at all times. I snuck toward the back of the stage, hiding in the darkness right beside it, ready for when she stepped off.
I steeled myself, waiting patiently, doing my best to ignore the melody. When I glanced up, my cock reacted. She was in a sheer red nightie, I could make out her perfect heart shaped ass, her sultry body barely covered by the material. There was nothing stopping me from taking this woman. She was my raven in the dark, waiting to be found, and I sure as fuck had found her.
Islowly stepped foot off the stage, feeling slightly uncomfortable in the small garment Serge had made me wear. He’d let me know a whore should always dress like one, and he didn’t want me wearing those god-awful dresses anymore. I’d simply walked away with the new flimsy clothes and decided this was not an argument I wanted to have.
I was contemplating what I was going to wear for the next number when a shadow loomed from out of the curtains. My scream for help was silenced by a hand being wrapped around my mouth, the other around my waist as I was dragged toward one of the back rooms.
I kicked and I dragged my heels but he shoved me into a room. I darted past him toward the door but he held me tight.
“Easy, beautiful. I’m not gonna hurt you.”
The lights flickered on and standing before me was that same stranger that filled my thoughts day in and day out.
“Hi,” his lip curved upward in a sexy smirk that melted my heart.
“Hi,” I whispered back, lost in his gaze for a moment. Then suddenly, realization hit me and I grabbed him by the forearms, urging him toward the door. “What are you doing here? If Serge catches you, you’re dead.”