Page 41 of Titan
“Let’s go.” She tugs on my arm. “Please.”
“Fine. We will talk about this later.” I agree because nothing makes sense now except to keep Julianna safe. Once I have a second away from the competing needs of protecting her and the Pull, I can figure out how things became all messed up.
I turn back to Harris and lean down close to his ear. I watch in delight as he stiffens in preparation for more pain.
“Never talk to Julianna again. Don’t even look at her. Do you understand?”
“Yes,” Harris says quickly. He yanks his arm from me, and this time, I let him.
The crowd is no longer watching us. We stopped being interesting minutes ago when their attention was diverted to a guard having to prevent several drunk guests from touching a painting on the wall.
“Let’s get out of here.”
With a hand on her lower back, I guide Julianna to walk ahead of me.
“I will tell Freddy how your bitch treated me,” Harris mutters under his breath. “She won’t be welcome in circles like this again.”
Anger flashes brightly inside me, and I turn on Harris with Strange speed, wrapping my hand around his throat and knocking him back against the wall. I block his body from the crowd and keep my voice low.
“You do that, Harris, and I will visit you late one night, maybe while you’re working away in your office or all alone in your Beverly Hills house, or perhaps in your Malibu home. It’s a beautiful home, but far from the main road, isn’t it?”
I squeeze until his face turns red. He doesn’t struggle. He doesn’t fight back
“The sound of the waves is so loud, your neighbors would hear nothing,” I snarl.
I search his eyes for understanding, releasing his throat enough for him to talk.
“I got it. I got it.”
I give his throat another squeeze, just enough to watch his eyes bulge, and then I drop him to the floor.
“Where are we going?”
Titan grunts his response, and when I don’t automatically enter the elevator after him, he lifts me over his shoulder with an angry grunt and carries me inside, stabbing the elevator button.
“That’s not an answer.” My words are labored as I attempt to catch my breath.
Titan’s shoulder muscles are tense under my stomach and, upside down, I watch his back straining with the surge of adrenaline I’d seen in him as he knocked Harris against the wall.
“I need to get you out of here,” he growls.
“You can put me down. I’m fine. I’m pretty sure Freddy was busy in the other room. He didn’t see what happened,” I attempt to reassure him. When he doesn’t react, I continue, “Titan, my sole purpose tonight was to make sure you blended in and were invited to the unveiling, and I might’ve just fucked it up. If Harris says something… What happened back there?”
I feel him stiffen under me further. The air in the elevator grows thick with Titan’s anger or frustration or whatever he is bottling up inside of himself. The entire ride down is just one big inhale and I’m just waiting to see what will come out when he finally exhales.
“Talk to me,” I plead.
He doesn’t answer.
He is silent when we get off the elevator. He is silent when he strides past the doorwoman and the security guards with me still hanging off his shoulder. He gives me nothing as he rounds the corner into some dark alleyway out of view from the street.
He sets me down, rips off his emerald ring, and tosses it to me.