Page 19 of Don't Pray
“Keep pushing me, kitten, and I will show you how mean I can get.” He caught my hand in his. “You don’t need to be embarrassed about not knowing about sex.” He smirked. “We can teach you more than we’ve already shown you.”
I huffed and yanked my hand out of his to smack his chest. “No.”
I didn’t know why I put up this much of a fight. But I couldn’t stop myself. Embarrassment flooded through me, making me scream in my head to juststop itand let him teach me more about sex. These three men taught me more about living and sex than anyone else in my life.
“Kitten,” Legion warned and moved forward with each of my shoves at his chest. He reminded me of those punching bags that bounced back like nothing happened. Legion was resilient, and from the scowl on his face, he was close to snapping, but I still couldn’t stop.
I felt one of those episodes coming if it wasn’t already happening. The type that made me do things that I didn’t want to do. I knew once it was over, I’d want to smack myself in the face and grumble at how stupid I was, but right now, I couldn’t stop.
“Kitten,” I mimicked, lowering my voice to match his tone.
Legion’s eyes narrowed. “One.”
“One,” I mimicked in his voice and narrowed my eyes. I leaned my head back to look at his face, showing him I wasn’t scared of him.
“Two,” he growled, his lip curling.
“Two,” I growled, curling my lip.
“What are you doing, kitten?”
“What are you doing, kitten?” I mimicked.
“What are you two doing?” I heard Asmodeus call from the other room, growing closer. He and Mephistopheles had stepped away while Legion showed me the bedrooms, but they must’ve heard our commotion.
“Our little human wants to play with fire,” Legion said to him while keeping his eyes on me.
“Our little human wants to play with fire,” I mimicked, trying my best to make the same stern face he made and lowering my voice. My mind became hazy as I fixated on Legion, wanting to do and say everything he did. I felt like I was watching from the backseat and screaming on the other side for me to stop.
Legion cocked his head. I followed the movement with my head. One second he stood in front of me, and in the next, he shoved me against the wall and had my legs wrapped around his waist. He barred his forearm against my neck, making breathing hard.
The air from my lungswhooshedout and left my chest tight with the need for air. I widened my eyes, tears stinging them as I clawed at his forearm. Legion leaned in and slammed his free hand beside my head to bar me in. He pinned me against the wall with his body.
His lips moved, but I couldn’t hear anything he said. My eyes moved on their own to the side, where there was a gap of space over his shoulder. My heart dropped, and my lips parted as I stared at the creepy face glaring at me. His skin was red, and he had crimson eyes that looked like blood. The creature reminded me of the demon from Insidious with its scary face. It was a movie that, funnily enough, wasn’t banned from the United States and something I found pleasure in outside of all the chaos of my fallen country.
My mouth dried as I stared at the demon, who watched me from right behind Legion. With how close he seemed, he looked like it could have been touching Legion, and he just didn’t feel it.
“She’s not responding,” someone said.
“Baby girl.”
“Come back to us.”
The demon leaned closer to Legion, its piercing eyes narrowing and his lips turning up into a sinister smile.
“I’ll kill you,”he whispered.
I screamed until my ears and throat hurt. Hands grabbed me, and I twisted in their hold while slapping away the grappling hands that wanted to take me away. I shrieked and cried, unable to escape the demon that wanted to kill me.
“It’s us, little one,” a familiar voice cooed.
“Get off! Get off! GET OFF!” I wailed. “He’s coming for me!”
I looked for the demon but couldn’t find him. Everything came in too fast. I noticed the three familiar men standing around me with their hands up to keep me calm. They stood as still as statues, but their chests were heaving just like mine.
“Where is he?” I demanded and turned in circles, searching for the red-faced demon. Tears stung in my eyes, and a few slipped down my cheeks.