Page 101 of Satan's Priest
I paused as I dumped some laundry detergent into the washer with my clothes. Looking at the back door’s open blinds, I listened for the voice again.
It had come from outside.
I set the detergent cap aside and peeked out the window, fogging it with my breath. Swiping the haze away, I turned my head, looking for whoever had called my name.
My heart pounded faster, and goosebumps rose on my arms.
I turned the door handle and whipped it open, stepping into the fine mist outside to get a better look. Someone had to have been out here calling for me. The trees lining our property swayed with a gust of wind. Tendrils of my hair fluttered in my face, and I brushed them away and tucked the pieces behind my ear.
“What are you doing?”
I jumped and yelled as I spun around with my hand over my heart.
“You scared me!” I screamed at Christy.
My sister stood a foot away from me, and speculation crossed her face. “I could say the same about you,” she spat.
I rolled my eyes, pushed past her, and went inside. Christy followed me in and closed the door behind her. Standing a foot away with her arms crossed over her chest, she glared at me. I tried to ignore her as I dumped the rest of the detergent onto my clothes and started the cycle.
“I want to know where my sister is,” Christy demanded as she came around and blocked my path by standing in the doorway.
I scrunched my eyebrows and looked at her. “I’m right here.”
She shook her head and slammed her hand on the frame, boxing me in as I tried to shove past her. “You’re not my sister. I know you’re possessed, and I know what I saw the other day,” she whisper-yelled.
It surprised me that she didn’t yell like she had the last time, wanting to grab Dad’s attention from his office on the other end of the house. I still didn’t know what she’d said to him after I freaked out and left.
“It was the lighting in the room.” I sighed and rubbed my aching temples. “Can you please move so I can get ready?”
“Where are you going?”
I groaned and shoved past her. Christy stumbled, then followed close behind me.
“Where are you going, Grace?” she asked, louder this time.
“I’m going to the library to study.” That was a whole ass lie, but Dad didn’t know that. I had to make him believe I was back to being myself and studying the Bible when I was really joining Daiman and Lucien for dinner. They’d told me to be ready by four, and they’d pick me up. They left no room for me to say no, and I couldn’t complain about spending time with them. I didn’t want to be anywhere near Dad or even Christy.
“I don’t believe you,” Christy hissed. She followed me upstairs to my bedroom. “You’re hiding something.”
I turned around, grabbed my door, and looked at my seething sister. “I’m not hiding anything. Now leave me alone.”
I shut the door in her face, only to have her shove it open.
“Go away!” I yelled. I pushed at the door, but she fought it open again.
“I know you’re possessed, Grace. You’re in denial. Since Mom and Dad don’t want to get you help,Iwill. I can see you’re falling away from God. Only possessed people do that.” She raised her other hand and touched my forehead, drawing a symbol, and if I were to guess, it was the cross. That little action reminded me of when Lucien had carved an upside-down cross in the same place my sister touched. When I didn’t give her the reaction she wanted, her lips pulled back in a snarl. “Don’t worry, sis. I’ll get the demon out of you.”
I shoved the door and slammed it closed, then locked it.
“Better watch your back, demon. I’m going to save my sister,” Christy called from the other side.
I rolled my eyes and turned away.