Page 23 of Satan's Priest
I had no words.
“I’ll find another,” I promised.
“Yes, and donotfuck up again, Lucien, or it’s your title and your life.”
A muscle worked in my jaw, something irking me.
“Spit it out.” Lucifer waved his hand for me to speak while he tucked his softening dick back into his pants. He turned around and walked toward his throne.
“You told me you wanted the girl. I thought you knew if someone was a virgin or not.”
Lucifer stopped walking, his shoulders tensing. Black wings sprang from his back and expanded before they settled. He slowly turned to face me again, violence shining in his blue eyes. “What?”
I frowned. “You told me you wanted the girl.”
“I didn’t.” He scowled at me.
Angering Lucifer was a mistake I didn’t want to make. But he had to know. He’d picked the girl and I gave her to him, just as he wanted.
I bit my tongue, holding myself back from saying anything else.
“Curious, Lucien. Very curious. I’d like to know who spoke to you and used my voice. I didn’t guide you to that girl.”
He turned around and stalked across the short distance between me and his throne. His wings disappeared, and he sat on his chair, grabbing his chalice and sipping his drink. His throat worked as he swallowed, his gaze on my face. “You may go now.” He waved his hand and set down his chalice.
The woman he’d fucked looked at him over her shoulder, her lips wobbling. I knew that look. She was pleading for her life—or, technically, death. I didn’t understand why mortals thought Heaven would be better. It was full of uptight people who sinned more than the nonbelievers. God wasn’t any better, either.
I nodded and stepped back.
“Oh, and Lucien?” I stopped and glanced at him. Lucifer’s lips twitched, then drew back in a Cheshire grin that held no amusement. “I would find the blonde if I were you. She’s not here with me. If I were to guess . . .” He ran his tongue over his sharp canine tooth and smirked. “I’d say she went back to the mortal realm.”
I stiffened, my eyes shuttering.
Before I could say anything, he waved a hand and everything melted away. I stood in my walk-in shower, the water pounding against my head.
The blonde returned to the mortal realm?
The back door creaked as I opened it. I paused before entering my home and easing the door closed behind me. I let out a shaky breath and waited for my eyes to adjust to the darkness. Whoever designed this house made it so that the back door entered into this small room that should have been a closet. Instead, my mom used it as the laundry room that was packed with clothes, both dirty and clean, strewn everywhere.
It was late at night, and I was sure my parents were asleep. I could hear Dad’s loud snoring from upstairs if I listened closely. Did they miss me while I was gone? Were they aware that something happened to me? I didn’t know how much time had passed since that cultist group murdered me, but I hoped my parents would have worried about me.
What if they’d called the police? I preferred to keep quiet about my murder and subsequent resurrection. I also didn’t want to tell them I had eaten my best friend’s corpse.
Slinky’s meows came from somewhere in the house, and the bell on her collar jingled as she pranced toward me from the other room. I slipped out of the laundry room and into the kitchen. A little black fur ball emerged from the corner and entered the room. She stopped, staring at me with wide eyes that reflected the cabinet’s lights.
My stomach churned and knotted, hunger gnawing at me like I hadn’t just stuffed my face with human flesh.
How long had it been since I’d last eaten?
“Slinky,” I whispered.
She growled and glared at me, swiping her paw in my direction. I felt the same rage I experienced earlier when the dog snarled at me. My lips twitched, and I fought against the urge to lunge forward.