Page 83 of Satan's Priest
I whimpered and squeezed my legs together, but he shoved his hand deeper between my thighs and dipped his finger into me. My insides burned because I was dry, but he didn’t care. I squeezed my eyes shut, praying to God that he would send a lightning bolt and kill my father.
“B-but she knows,” I sobbed.
“She doesn’t know about this, baby.”
My mouth dried, and a whine escaped me as he used his thumb to roll my swelling clit. I opened my eyes and glanced around, searching for someone who would stop this. The street and parking lot were empty, and no one was there. We were earlier than usual, which meant the buses hadn’t arrived yet.
“Stop,” I begged and looked at him with tears in my eyes.
“When I saw those pictures of your little pussy, I couldn’t stop looking at them.” He breathed hard and awkwardly undid his pants to pull out his erection. I cringed and averted my gaze. “I touched myself, just like what I’m doing right now.Look at me, girl.”
I opened my eyes and winced as I watched his left hand stroke his thin penis. He panted and plunged a second finger into me, stretching my wet channel.
“I’ve got to go,” I whispered, pleasure licking up my spine as he rubbed his thumb on my clit. “I-I have to go. I have to go. I have to go.”
I was scared that if I jumped out of the car, he would chase after me and do something much worse than touch me like he was doing now. I also didn’t want him to take away my phone or even my bedroom door.
“You’ll leave when I tell you to,” he snapped. He rammed his fingers into me, not caring that he was hurting me. “I want to see you come again. Come for Daddy, baby.”
I rapidly shook my head and squeezed my eyes shut. My toes curled as he continued to torture me with his fingers.
“I want to fuck you,” he rasped, groaning as he moved his fist faster on his erection.
The thread that connected me to Daiman tugged. I snapped open my eyes and looked around, hoping he was there. Instead, I found Lucien a hundred feet away, walking away from his parked car.
“Someone’s here,” I whispered.
Dad grunted, whipped his hand from beneath my skirt, and tucked himself back into his pants. He panted. “Go on, girl. We’ll finish this later.”
I shot out of the car and slammed the door. I ducked my head and stormed toward the front doors of the school.
I didn’t want Lucien to know what had just happened. I went up the large steps and entered the building. The silence left me alone with my plaguing thoughts.
Why didn’t my inner demon come out? Why did she come out when others attacked me, but this time stayed silent while my dad touched me?
I felt betrayed.
A hand grabbed my wrist and spun me around to face Lucien. I stared up at him, breathing hard and holding back the tears that threatened to spill. Lucien narrowed his eyes, looking me over before returning his gaze to my face.
“What happened?” His smooth voice held no clue as to what he was thinking. For whatever strange reason, hearing him talk made me feel safe. He wouldn’t hurt me like everyone but Daiman did.
“N-nothing,” I lied in a whisper.
Lucien’s narrowed eyes flashed with boiling anger. “Something happened. Tell me.”
I jerked back my hand, releasing his grip from my wrist. Backing away from him, I shook my head. “Nothing important. Just . . .” I swallowed hard, my heart beating erratically in my chest. “I’m dealing with some hallucinations, is all.”
His jaw clenched, and a muscle popped in it.
I waited for him to say something insulting to me, but it never came.
“Daiman told me about your mental illness. He also said you can’t take your medicines unless you’re full.” He raked his gaze over me and raised an eyebrow. “Which you are not.”
“I’m fine,” I blurted.
Lucien tilted his head. “Is that so? If you’re fine, then why do you reek of arousal?”
I sputtered and backed away another step. Words tumbled out of me that didn’t make sense, and Lucien watched impassively.