Page 9 of Satan's Priest
“What? Alone? No. What happened to girl code?” Layla shot me a weird look and shook her head. “C’mon.”
I squeaked as she grabbed my hand and dragged me toward the bathroom. Layla snatched my empty cup from my hand and deposited our glasses on the bar before we disappeared through a small hallway and into the restroom. I locked the door behind me and sighed as I leaned against it.
Layla slipped her thong down and raised her skirt to pool around her waist as she sat on the toilet. I folded my arms over my chest and couldn’t stop the smile that spread across my face as I thought about the lead singer.
“You think one of them is single?” Layla asked.
I raised an eyebrow and shrugged a shoulder. “I don’t know.” I narrowed my eyes. “You’re not going to be a groupie, are you?”
“What?” She breathed out, vibrating her lips together in a drunk scoff. “No way. I mean . . .”
I raised both eyebrows and grinned. “You totally want to sleep with them.”
Of course she did. She mentioned getting with the lead singer earlier, but I just thought she was saying that. I didn’t know why it bothered me that she’d want to get with the singer. He wasn’t anything to me. Just a musician whose music and voice I happened to love.
“Well, I mean, we’re going to meet them. Sleeping with a band member has always been on my bucket list. Why not let it be one of the members of my favorite band?” Layla asked.
Hey, I wasn’t judging. I was okay if my friend wanted to get banged three ways to Sunday. “Then you should try.”
She flushed the toilet and washed her hands. “You should sleep with one of them, too.”
I rolled my eyes, pushed away from the door, and opened it. We walked out and made our way back into the room. Our spot was gone, and now we had to stand in the back of the crowd, which I didn’t mind. The music was still loud, and the band wasn’t even thirty feet away from us because of how small this place was.
Layla elbowed me in the ribs.
“Hey,” I whined and rubbed the spot, pretending it hurt even though it didn’t.
“Don’t think you can brush off my comment. You should sleep with the band.”
I scoffed. “I have a boyfriend, Lay. I would never cheat on him.”
“Tonight, you don’t. Besides, I’m sure Sebastian would understand. It’s a free pass. All couples have them.”
“What?” My jaw hit the floor, and I looked at her, bewildered. “I won’t cheat on my boyfriend of three years.”
Layla shrugged and flicked her wavy brown hair over her shoulder. “Fine. Whatever.”
Silence stretched between us, and I stood awkwardly beside her as the band played. I tried to enjoy the show, but the tension coming from Layla made that hard to do. I couldn’t believe she would get upset that I didn’t want to cheat on my boyfriend.
Her words from earlier tonight went through my head.
“He doesn’t call you his little bitch and demand that you take it like a good girl?”
“You need to live a little, Gracie. Let a real man handle you like he owns you and your pleasure.”
The bouncer held up his hand to stop Layla and me from passing through the door leading to the back room. “Need to see your pass.”
Layla held up the VIP lanyard around her neck. “Can you see it better now?”
I winced and pinched mine between my fingers, then brought it up for the scowling bouncer. I was convinced he couldn’t see anything through those black-tinted sunglasses on his face. He wore the typical tight black shirt that stretched over his muscles, and a vein throbbed on his forehead as he frowned at us. He gave off the impression that he was about to tell us to fuck off and that we couldn’t go back there.
“You sure you’re old enough to go backstage? You girls look like you’re in high school,” he grunted.
He made an accurate observation, but I kept it to myself.