Page 91 of Satan's Priest
“That’s not nice to say about your sister. You know she has schizophrenia,” Mom said, trying to give me the benefit of the doubt.
“No.” Christy shook Mom’s arm. Tears shined in her eyes. “You don’t understand. Her eyes turned all black, and her voice changed. You need to call the priestright now!”
I gasped for air, trembling and taking a step back. “No.”
I had to get out of here. I had to leave before they called in the priest to exorcise me. Thinking of Dad and what he’d do only made it worse.
Lucien popped into my mind, and I waved that away.
Daiman. I could call Daiman to take me away before things got bad.
Fuck. What if I was just blowing this out of proportion and my family didn’t do anything?
I stood frozen in my spot, staring wide-eyed at my mom and sister, who debated whether they should call the church.
“I’m fine,” I croaked.
“There’s nothing wrong with her, honey. You two are probably pulling my chainagain.” Mom sighed and turned away from me.
I released a shaky breath, gazing at Christy, who glared at me—like, reallyglaredat me as if she now hated my guts and wanted to kill me.
Oh crap.What if she did want to kill me?
“Can I—” I swallowed hard, and my heart skipped a beat as Mom turned to me with her eyebrow raised. “Can I please go for a walk?”
Mom placed her hands on her waist and heaved a big sigh. “Your father—”
“Mom! What are you doing? She can’t leave! She’ll go out and kill someone!” Christy screeched.
“Lord have mercy, Christy, if you don’t let go of me right this second . . .” Mom huffed and yanked at her arm to get it out of Christy’s hold, then waved me off. “Go. Go for a walk. The space between you two will do some good.”
I didn’t wait, not wanting to take a chance that she would change her mind. I spun around, wincing as Christy screamed at Mom. I heard Dad’s familiar heavy footsteps as he stormed down the hall from his office.
I ran out the door, not bothering to slide on any shoes. I closed the door behind me, muting Dad’s booming voice, and jogged down the small stone path that led to the street. I gasped for air, panic tightening my chest until I felt like my heart would fall out and land on the ground before my feet.
Tears slid down my cheeks while my gaze bounced to every object I passed. Trees breathed, birds looked like waves in the ocean, and a dog snarled at me, making me sob. I didn’t lunge at it this time because I was too caught up in my psychotic episode.
“Daiman,” I cried softly under my breath. I gripped the thread that joined us and yanked at it repeatedly, hoping he felt it. “I need you.”
My legs wobbled, and I tumbled forward. My eyes scrunched up as I watched the ground come closer.
Arms wrapped around me and pulled me against a muscular chest.
“I’ve got you,” Daiman whispered.
Imaterialized us into my home. Grace clung to me and wrapped her legs and arms around me as she buried her face in my neck. I gripped her ass, ignoring my raging hard-on because her warm pussy pressed to my groin.
I strode through my house and went into my bedroom. Grace trembled against me as she silently cried, tears soaking my neck. I sat on the mattress, still holding onto her and rubbing circles in the middle of her back.
“You’re safe now, angel,” I whispered into her hair.
We stayed silent as we held each other. I wondered what the hell happened.
After a while, she pulled back. Her pupils constricted. She averted her gaze, looking around the room with fear reflecting in her moss-green eyes.