Page 94 of Satan's Priest
“Justsymptoms, hmm?” Lucien said from behind Daiman. I listened to his footsteps as he came around and stood beside Daiman.
I nodded, staring wide-eyed at Lucien, who sipped his drink.
While watching me, Daiman put a toothpick into his mouth and rolled the wooden stick between his teeth.
I stepped back, putting more space between me and the two demons.
“Ahh, little sinner. Your name suits you.” Lucien’s lips slowly tipped up into a smile that made me even more nervous. “Do you not realize that lying is a sin?”
“I know,” I said, my voice cracking.
My pulse thundered in my ears, and I looked at Daiman for help. He watched me, eyes hooded and his tongue rolling around the toothpick in his mouth. Okay, so he wasn’t any help right now.
I looked at Lucien. “I’m not lying.”
Lucien raised the crystal glass to his mouth, watching me as he sipped his drink. “Is that so?” He lowered his cup and tilted his head. “If you aren’t lying, then prove it.” His eyes raked over me as though he were undressing me. I’d never felt more exposed in my life.
I bunched my eyebrows together. “Huh?”
“If you aren’t lying, then prove it,” Lucien said again, but slower this time, as if I were stupid.
“I heard you the first time. How do I prove that I’m telling the truth?” I glanced at Daiman, again seeking help that he refused to give. He and Lucien were working together to get me to fold and tell them.
“You’ll fuck Daiman and allow him into your mind,” Lucien said. He sipped his drink and acted like he hadn’t just said that I had to have sex with the incubus demon I had feelings for and let him . . . possess me?
My stomach dropped, and my mouth went dry. “No.”
“So then, you’re lying. Tell us the real reason that you’re upset,” Lucien said with a sly grin.
“I’m not lying!” My cheeks flushed, and fear coursed through my veins like poison. It burned and filled my stomach until I felt like I would throw up.
“Then. Fuck. Daiman. And let him. Into your mind,” Lucien said through clenched teeth.
I looked between the two demons, trying to decide which of the two evils would be better. Did I tell them my dad had been touching me, just to watch their faces twist in disgust, or did I allow Daiman into my mind to find out for himself? Either way, I was fucked.
I might as well let him fuck me for the last time before they both leave.
“I have nothing to hide.” Yes, I did.
Lucien’s jaw clenched, and he slowly blinked. “Undress.”
“Right here?” I squeaked.
Lucien rolled his eyes. “Yes, right here and right now.”
“You’re not watching, are you?”
“Of course I am.” Lucien scoffed.
Daiman watched me with disappointment. I hated letting him down but was too scared to tell him.
“Take off your clothes, angel,” Daiman ordered as he began shedding his.
My hands shook as I undressed and stood naked for Lucien to see. I covered my chest with my hands, not wanting Lucien to look.
Daiman grabbed me, and I yelped as he laid me down on the breakfast table like I weighed nothing. He dropped to his knees, putting himself at eye level with my pulsing core. I gasped as he yanked me toward him until my ass was nearly hanging off the table.
Lucien stood aside, watching Daiman swipe his tongue up my folds and curl the tip around my clit. A groan welled out of me, and I threw my head back, panting as Daiman tongue-fucked me. He nudged the outside of my entrance with his fingers and thrust them in.