Page 97 of Satan's Priest
“He’s mine,” a scratchy voice whispered.
My gums ached, and my teeth elongated. Magic pulsed around me, and my skin shivered like bugs crawled beneath it. Everything was dark, like I had walked into a room and couldn’t find the light switch. Bare feet slapped against concrete, followed by muffled panting.
Light spilled into my eyes, and I squinted as I looked through a long tunnel, as if I was sitting back and watching through someone else’s eyes. Lightning flashed in the sky, lighting up the dark parking lot. Rain pelted down in fat drops, hitting my skin and sizzling, reminding me of water hitting a hot pan. A lone car sat underneath a streetlamp that struggled to provide light.
My chest rose and fell. Rage boiled in my veins as a small, feminine figure ran to the car under the lamp. Lightning flashed in the night, and thunder cracked a split second after.
“Samanthaaaaaa,” the scratchy voice sang out.
The woman at the car gasped, swiveling her head in my direction. Her eyes widened as she searched in the shadows where I hid.
The rain came down faster, most likely blinding the tiny girl. Her hair stuck to her back, and pieces clung to her cheeks. She turned back to her car and struggled to find the right key to unlock her door.
Clicking filled my head, like someone was tapping bones together. My fingernails ached as they grew into sharp points. Everything went dark again, like I was being dragged back into the tunnel and held prisoner.
Lightning flashed, and this time, I stood in a different spot, closer to the car and on the opposite side of Samantha. She jerked her head and looked at where I had been before everything darkened.
“Samanthaaaaaa,” the raspy voice sang.
Samantha whipped her head forward, looking over the top of her car and straight at me. Her eyes widened, flicking around as she searched for the owner of the voice. I stayed in the shadows, toying with her and only allowing her to catch glimpses of me.
More bones clacked together, and I realized it was my teeth as I knocked them against each other and clicked my tongue. It was a scare tactic. Whatever was in control right now wanted Samantha to be terrified.
“Who’s there?” Samantha called, then shook her head. “What the fuck am I talking about?”
She whimpered as she unlocked the driver’s side door and swung it open.
Everything went dark, and I appeared behind the girl as she slipped into her vehicle. My hand shot forward and grabbed Samantha.
I screamed in my head. My skin had gone red—the same color as the demon I saw in the mirror at school.
Samantha shrieked as my claws circled her arm and yanked her out of the car. I threw her to the ground and sat on her stomach, pinning her so she couldn’t escape. I leaned forward, getting into her face while I made more clicking sounds with my teeth.
Samantha’s eyes widened as she stared up at me. I grinned as she screamed at the top of her lungs, shaking her shoulders to get me off her. I joined her screaming. The demon inside me did it because it was amusing, but I screamed because I was terrified of what was about to happen.
I’m not a killer!
I bared my teeth, snarling at her as I grabbed her throat and squeezed. The tips of my nails pierced the soft skin on her neck.
Samantha’s screams transformed to gargles, her eyes bugging out of her head as she struggled to breathe. She wrapped her hands around my wrist, clawing at my skin, trying to get me to let go of her. I watched with a grin as her eyes rolled into the back of her head and the last of her air supply escaped her lungs.
Heavy footsteps approached from behind me. I knew his energy without having to see his face. The demon in control ignored him, too focused on killing Samantha.
“Release her, succubus,” Daiman warned.
I whipped my head around to look at him, baring my sharp teeth as I still strangled the life out of Samantha. “Do not stop me,incubus,” my demon hissed.
“He’s waiting for you.” Daiman folded his arms over his chest and curled his lip in a snarl. I watched as horns sprouted from his temples, releasing some of his glamor to prepare for the full change.
I knew what he was doing. He was preparing for a fight if the demon in me didn’t release Samantha.
I turned my head, looking back down at the human girl’s purple face, the whites of her eyes showing. My grip on her neck tightened.
A powerful force knocked me off the girl. I shrieked, jumping to my feet and blocking Daiman’s fist as he aimed for my face. I ducked under his next swing and kicked out my leg, sweeping him off his feet.
Daiman howled in laughter, angering the demon that had taken control and left me in the backseat. He disappeared, and I whipped around, grabbing onto his wrist at the last second before it hit me. Daiman blurred again, and I spun around, expecting him to be on the other side, only to be knocked down and pinned to the ground. His powers made me shiver because it felt so good to be beneath him.
I turned my eyes to the corner, shrieking at the top of my lungs and watching as Daiman’s fist connected with my temple.