Page 25 of Bailey
“No, I think that would have been counterproductive to our goals at the time,” I admitted with a small laugh. I looked at Matty, who had lost his grin and looked a little green. “You ok up there, Matty?”
“Yeah, I’m just realizing how gross hearing about your sister’s sex life is,” he said with a shudder. There was a beat of silence before the five of us busted out in laughter. “There are just some things I shouldn’t know,” he whined. His statement echoed what I had said to Pike in the truck, and it sobered me quickly. Pike felt me tense in his arms and hugged me tighter.
“I’ve always got you,” he whispered low enough that only I could hear him. I turned my head and kissed his cheek in thanks before tapping his arms to let me go.
“I’m going to go check on Gray. How was everything while I was gone?” I asked Matty as I walked up the steps.
“Everything went normal. Nothing exciting happened. Gray’s doing fine, though he’s gotten more moody from being stuck in bed for so long,” Matty told me, following me to the door.
“Baby, where do you want the bags from the hospital?” Caleb asked me.
“The living room. Scratch that. Gray’s room. He can help me sort through it before we get his cast on.” I went inside, leaving the guys to unload the trucks, and headed in to see Gray.
“Did you eat?” Matty asked.
“We haven’t. I should make something.”
“I’ve got it. Go see Gray. I’m pretty sure he’s sick of my face,” Matty replied as he started pulling food out of the fridge.
I walked down the hall and peeked my head into Gray’s room. “Hey, you, miss me?” I asked. His face lit up when he saw me.
“You’re back!” he exclaimed. “How did it go? Were you able to get everything?”
“We got everything and more,” I assured him. “We will get a cast on that leg and have you mobile by tonight.”
“Thank fuck! I’m so sick of this bed. And I keep missing out on everything. Do you know I haven’t even seen the farm? Or the rest of the house?” I sat down on the side of the bed and leaned over him to peek at his leg.
“Still looks good,” I commented.
“So tell me everything,” Gray requested. “Run into any trouble?” I told him everything that happened while we were gone, like how we now had a dog and the zombie-filled school. Matty came in when I started telling him about the school with a plate of scrambled eggs and peppers. I thanked him while he pulled up a chair to listen to the rest of my story, which I finished between mouthfuls of eggs.
“So when you head home today, Matty, let Henry know we need to meet to discuss what to do about the zombies. Also, let him know I will have some medicine to trade with.” I could even trade some of the seeds, but I wasn’t offering those up just yet. I needed to make a list of what I needed from Henry.
“Will do. I’m gonna help the guys unload the rest of the trucks before I head out. I see you got a new bed. It’s big. What on earth do you need such a big bead for?” Gray grinned while I blushed a little.
“Are you sure that’s a question you want an answer to, babybrother?” Matty paled a little and shook his head no vigorously.
“Nope. Forget I even asked,” he said, leaving quickly.
“So, a bigger bed, huh?” Gray asked, wagging his eyebrows suggestively.
I rolled my eyes at him. “Yes, a bigger bed. Boone is moving my bed upstairs so he has somewhere to sleep. Unless he moves it in here and rooms with you.”
“Not in this lifetime, rooms full,” Gray said.
“What will you do about it if I do, gimpy?” Boone asked as he brought in four duffel bags and laid them at my feet.
“Even with a broken leg, I could still kick your ass,” Gray responded.
“You couldn’t kick my ass without the broken leg,” Boone told him as he leaned over and kissed me, pressing me backward so I was half lying across Gray’s chest. What was it about these men and Bailey sandwiches? Not that I was complaining. “I don’t think I told you how hot you were earlier with Pike’s face buried between your legs,” Boone said against my lips.
“Oh really?” Gray said. I felt his hands slide around my sides and to my front in the space between Boone’s body and mine. They slowly trailed under my shirt to caress my breasts over my bra. At the same time, Boone’s hands started tracing patterns from my knees up my inner thighs. Boone continued kissing me, and I whimpered into his mouth as his hands teased the sensitive skin on my upper thighs.
The bedroom door slammed against the wall, making the three of us jump. “Hey!” Ethan yelled, “Playtime later. Right now, we have trucks to unload." Boone groaned in annoyance but stood up, sitting me up as he did.
“Rain check, Honey Bee,” he said reluctantly. He kissed my palm and left, shoving Ethan out of the room and making him bump into the wall. “I’m going to get you back for that. I don’t know when, but one of these times, I’m going to pull you away from her at the worst time,” he vowed. I couldn’t contain the giggle that bubbled out of me.
These men made my day brighter just by being a part of it. They wanted me with all my fuckery and made sure that I knew it. Granted, it’s the apocalypse, so their options are limited, but they still made me feel good. Of course, there’s always the chance that someone better might come along and swoop them away, but that’s a bridge I’ll have to cross when I get there. I sighed involuntarily as I bent to haul the first bag onto the bed to be sorted.