Page 41 of Bailey
I lightly smacked him on the back of his head to shut him up. “Breakfast?” I asked cheerily. I started gathering breakfast food together to cook without waiting for an answer. I’d leave the biscuits for Pike to make, but I could begin frying up the eggs and bacon. Thank goodness Spring was here, and the snow had melted. We were almost out of bacon. I’d have to see about getting our own pigs to raise.
Ignoring my protests, Anna came over and began to make the biscuits, stating that her mom didn’t raise her to sit idly by when there were men to feed. I accepted her help, and chatting with her felt nice as we cooked breakfast for our men. I realized that Anna and I could become good friends if I gave her a chance.
Once breakfast was done, all eight of us crowded around the table, Anna in Matty’s lap and me in Ethan’s. The conversation flowed easily between us as we ate. Matty caught my eye and grinned at me as he looked around the table as if to say, look at us all, normal.
“Oh, I almost forgot,” Matty said as Anna and I cleared the table and began to wash the dishes. “Henry wants to know if you guys would like to help him plant crops in a couple of weeks in exchange for a percentage of the crop in the fall.”
“That sounds like a good deal,” Boone replied. “Can we have some time to think it over? It would mean leaving Bailey, and I don’t know if any of us can do that,” he laughed.
I felt myself blushing as Anna gave me a nudge with her shoulder. I didn’t like the idea of them leaving, but it was too good a deal to pass up. I’d let them make their own decision on it, however. Our little garden provided plenty, but having some bulk supplies stocked up for winter would be nice. Spring had just started, but already we would have to think about the following winter.
“That’s understandable,” Matty said. "I don’t like being away from Anna for too long, either.”
This time, it was my turn to nudge a blushing Anna.
“So, Bails, what projects do you have planned for these guys now that spring is here?” Matty asked.
“I haven’t really thought about it yet,” I replied.
“Bullshit,” all of the men, including Matty, said.
I turned to them and grinned. I didn’t think that they would buy that for a second. "Well," I hedged, "I had thought it would be good to build a building to process meat, milk, and such. But that would require some running water, so I don't think it's possible."
"That's not true!" Anna said excitedly. "We have a man at the farm who is good with plumbing. He could set up a pipe system from your well to the building. He did something similar for Daddy. I bet he could do it for you, too."
"That's a good idea, Baby," Matty said. "I'll talk to him when we get back and see if we can work out something to get him to come out."
"I'll gladly trade with him if he can," I told Matty. I didn't want Matty to pay my debts for me. He has his own life to build.
"What else do you have planned?" Matty asked, ignoring me.
"Well, I want to go back to that pond at Wilsonville and see if we can catch some ducks to bring home," I admitted. "I need to get the goats and cows bred. It might not hurt to see if I can also get my mare bred. I also need to talk to Henry about trading for some animals. We discussed trading bulls, but I'd also like to get some pigs and a rooster."
"Daddy has plenty," Anna assured me. "I know he'd be happy to give you some."
"Just make me a list of what you want, and I'll pass it along," Matty said.
Just then, the radio we had set up in the next room squawked, followed by Henry's voice. "Bailey, this is Henry, over."
I went over to the radio and replied. "I hear you loud and clear, Henry. What can I do for you?"
"Can you tell Anna and Matty that we had a few zombies at the farm? When they come home, stay alert in case we missed some."
"Will do, Henry. Thanks for letting us know. Is everything good there? Was anyone injured?"
"Everyone is just fine. We found them bouncing along our fence line and took them down easily."
"Copy that. Let us know if you need help."
Henry didn't respond as I turned to Matty. "You are armed, right?"
"Of course I am, B. You taught me well. I don't go anywhere without a weapon. Relax," Matty huffed like always when I worry about him.
"Sorry, kid. I'll always worry about you. Nothing you can do to change it," I said, ruffling his hair as I passed him.
"Yeah, yeah," he said, standing. "Come on, Anna. We should probably return and ensure they don't need help removing the bodies." He leaned down to kiss my cheek.
"Be careful," I warned.