Page 44 of Bailey
"Someone let fresh zombies into the yard last night," I replied.
"I'll be right there."
"No!" I looked at Caleb. "Do you think you could get a truck going, and two of you go pick him up?"
"Of course!" He left to do that. After sitting all winter, we hadn't tried starting them up, and I prayed we wouldn't run into any problems.
"Matty, I'm sending a truck to get you. I don't feel good about you on the road right now."
"Fancy. Ok, I'll wait for my ride. See you in a bit, B. Try to stop freaking out." I rolled my eyes as I put the mic down. He'd understand my worry when he got here and saw it for himself.
Caleb came back into the house. "I've got one going," he announced.
"Good. New rules. Nobody goes anywhere alone, and we stay armed at all times. Stay alert. We don't know what this is all about, but it isn't good. If one of you gets yourself killed, I will be very cross with you."
"We'll be careful, Baby," Caleb assured me. "Ethan, want to go for a ride?"
"Right behind you." They both gave me quick kisses goodbye and left.
"I'm going to go fix the fence," Pike said.
I cleared my throat as he went to leave, and he looked at me curiously. "Buddy system! Nobody goes anywhere alone. That includes across the yard."
"Yep," Boone said, following him out the door.
"I got the best buddy," Gray said in my ear. I didn't respond, so he turned me to face him. "We're going to figure this out, Little Dove. And we won't let anyone get hurt."
I nodded and smiled. I gave him a quick kiss. "Come on, buddy, I need to go collect my arrows." I pulled the last arrow from an eye socket and grimaced when eye goop came with it. I hated that. I wiped it off on the zombie's clothes and looked up when I heard the sound of an engine. I looked toward the road and breathed a sigh of relief when I saw Matty in the bed of our truck. A second truck was behind them, and I saw Henry in the driver's seat with a couple of other men with him.
I rushed the truck as soon as it was through the gate, and as soon as it stopped, I was ripping the back door open and pulling Matty into my arms. "You're moving back home until we figure this out," I told him.
"Now, Bailey," he replied as he hugged me back, "the guys filled me in on what happened, and I understand why you are freaked out, but don't completely lose your mind. I'm perfectly safe at Henry's, and even if I weren't, you know I wouldn't leave Anna. You raised me to be a better man than that." I sighed against his chest, feeling mine unclench now that I had him with me. I knew he was right. I couldn't expect him to leave Anna's side. He belonged with her no matter how much I preferred to have him where I could see him. I had to let go eventually.
"I know you're right," I sighed.
"Say that again. I don't think I heard you right," Matty joked. I poked him in his side and released him from the death hold I had on him.
"Hey, Henry. Thanks for coming," I said, shaking the man's hand.
"I thought you could use extra hands disposing of the bodies," he replied.
"We can," I agreed. "And I see Caleb got your truck running as well! I have a question for you. Did your zombies from yesterday look anything like these guys?"
I led him to the nearest body, and he squatted to look closely at it. "Nope. Ours were your run-of-the-mill zombie we see these days."
I wasn't sure whether I had hoped his answer would have been yes or no.
Matty, Henry, and his men helped us gather and burn the bodies. Soon, there wasn't any proof of our late-night visit. Gray followed me around as I rushed through the chores for the day. The animals weren't too thrilled with me for being late.
"Ok," I said after dinner. "I think we need to start guard duty shifts. Until we figure this all out."
"I don't think that's necessary," Ethan replied. "I get you're freaking out about this, but we have Witch to alert us if anything is happening outside, just like she did last night."
"I agree," Boone said as he threw me over his shoulder. "It's bedtime. None of us slept well last night. We can decide what we will do tomorrow." The others followed, and soon, we were snuggled into bed together, with Boone choosing to use me as his pillow tonight. We lay there in silence while I tried to work up the courage to share a decision I had made today. "Why haven't you relaxed yet, Honey Bee?" Boone asked from his position between my legs. He turned his head and rested his chin on my lower stomach, and I knew he was looking at me in the dark.
"I... I decided something today that kind of involves all of you, but I don't know how to bring it up," I said quietly. I felt the others stir as they all focused on me.