Page 11 of Run, Little Rabbit
“Maybe you weren’t paying attention, too distracted as I fucked your mouth with my tongue, my delicious, little slut, but I said I want you to run again. I want you to, so I can fucking chase you, take you down to the ground, rip this sorry excuse for a fucking skirt off you, and fuck you until you can’t walk.”
He must’ve pushed his mask up because I felt him lick up the side of my throat. A shiver slammed through me, and I closed my eyes, heightening my other senses. And when I heard a group of guys laughing, I opened them again, making eye contact with one of them.
“Help me,” I mouthed to him.
I thought he might do just that, but when he looked at the masked stranger behind me, whatever he saw had his eyes widening. He looked away and picked up speed as he walked in the opposite direction.
Fucking coward.
My stalker chuckled behind me, finding my demise sickly humorous. Disgustingly arousing, too, as he continued to dig his hard cock into my back. He slid his hand up my belly to rest right under my breast.
His fingers squeezed my flesh roughly, the pain feeling oh so good. I was just as vile as he was, getting off on being objectified and assaulted. And then he started moving us through the crowd. The hand he used to pull me flush to him was now wrapped around my throat, so saying anything was almost impossible as he tightened his hold.
And the people who were glancing at us, no doubt saw us as part of the carnival staff to help the attraction. It was all part of the atmosphere, the aesthetic. They probably assumed he and I were the same—actors paid to terrify patrons for the night.
When we got to the very edge of the carnival, the lights from the rides glowed in the distance as he turned us around to face it all. My breathing was rapid and uneven. With his hand still on my throat, and his other one gripped tightly at my hip, the discomfort reminded me he held the power.
My inner muscles clenched again at that thought. He was so large that with my back to his chest, my head didn’t even reach his collarbone.
“You can try to make a run for it through the crowd and beg people to help you. But I’d find every single one of them and slit their throat. I’d use their blood as lube to fuck your tight, little ass.”
I closed my eyes and trembled.
“Or,” he murmured and turned us back toward the forest. “Take your chances through the woods. You’ll get to town quicker this way… maybe lose me.” He slid his hand across my belly, then under my skirt to cup my bare pussy. “Mmm, my dirty, little baby is soaked.”
He let me go, and I stumbled forward. I had no shoes, my feet already uncomfortable from running through the fair barefooted. But the adrenaline pumped through me, making the pain a distant issue.
“Either way,” he rumbled low and took another step back. “you’re going to run, and I’m going to hunt you down. What route you take is your choice, little rabbit.” He pulled out his knife and growled, “I’ll give you a head start. Better make it count.”
I didn’t think. I just reacted.
I took off into the forest, the layer of dried leaves covering the ground cushioning the pads of my feet. But when the cold started seeping in, the pain took root.
I wove in and out of the thick foliage, ducking under branches but hitting several as they whipped along my arms and the side of my neck. My cheeks were abused by the branches, leaves stuck in my hair, and the bunny ears, still miraculously on my head, were knocked back and sideways several times when I wouldn’t duck low enough.
But I didn’t care about any of that. I stayed focused, looked ahead, and prayed I could lose him. Yet, even at that thought, I felt a stab of adrenaline, of excitement, coursing through me because I knew he was coming after me.
I was demented. Probably deranged. In all reality, how hard did I try to get help?
Not enough.
I’d been in the midst of a crowd, yet I let him do all these things to me, things I never imagined happening to me.
I couldn’t hear anything but my rapid breathing and the trampling sounds I made through the forest. I had no clue if he was already chasing me or still giving me that head start he said he’d give me.
This was what he wanted… the thrill of hunting me.
My heart raced. My entire body felt like an electric shock had gone through it. I looked over my shoulder when I heard the snap of a twig behind me, but it was too dark in the forest to see much of anything.
Run faster.
When I faced ahead again, I stubbed my toe on a rock, causing me to cry out in pain and fall forward on my hands and knees, and as the cool air hit me in this position, I became all too aware my pussy and ass were exposed to the eyes of the forest—and the monsters within it. The embarrassment and shameful excitement heated my flesh, distracting me from the pain in my toe. My bare feet were all but torn apart, but I clawed at the ground to right myself, dirt imbedding under my nails as I scrambled up and finally started running again.
I winced with each step, my toes aching from the fall, my feet screaming from the hard, unforgiving ground, the sweat now entering the several small cuts he made to my inner thighs, all while they chafed together as I ran.
Then, I heard another twig snap. And another. I was gasping and sobbing now, screaming out, although I knew no one could hear me. Our town was on the other side of this strip of thick woodland I was currently running through to escape a deranged maniac. The thick canopy of treetops blocked the moonlight, and trying to find my way through the brush was becoming impossible as my vision blurred from my tears.
I ran left, then wove around several trees and went right. But no matter which way I went, I could hear him approaching. The heavy sound of his feet hitting the earth came closer and faster.