Page 6 of Run, Little Rabbit
Fight back.
But I was in shock, unable to move as he added pressure, sliding his fingers firmly up and down my cleft. Plus, the knife was right… there. I was thankful his fingers were covered. Because the very idea he’d be able to feel how wet I was humiliated me to my marrow.
“Leave you alone?” He laughed sinisterly. “Little rabbit, the fun has only begun. I was in search of prey, and I found a pretty little thing who will no doubt fight me tooth-and-nail.” He leaned in and pressed his hard cock against my hip, distracting me from everything else.
He was huge. Felt like steel.
“I’m going to have fun making you my whore.”
And then I gasped when I felt a flash of pain on my inner thigh. It was when he brought the blade up that I realized he’d cut me before I even noticed he’d moved it, a droplet of blood slowly sliding down the metal.
He brought it to his mask, and a second later, he lifted only the bottom of the disguise with his knuckles so his mouth was revealed.
Dark scruff. Full lips. A smirk.
I knew he was still watching me as he dragged his tongue from the hilt all the way to the tip of the blade. When he pulled it away, I could see a light smearing of my blood on his tongue. And as he pulled his mask back down, he hummed, as if he were getting off on this.
He probably is.
“I’m going to call the cops. I’m going to tell carnival security about you.” I licked my lips, my mouth dry, my tongue thick.
He said nothing but cocked his head slightly to the side. It was like he was trying to decipher exactly what I was thinking. I felt as if he could pluck the thoughts right from my head.
As if he knew me intimately.
“You’re not going to get away with this,” I whispered. “Harassing women. Sexually assaulting them in backrooms.” My hands shook, but I kept my chin up, feigning strength I didn’t have. I knew nothing I said would make a difference.
He didn’t care because he clearly already decided on how this would all transpire. He held up my severed panties, and I realized the nick on my inner thigh was from him slicing the material off me. And even though he wore that damn mask, I knew he sported a disgustingly perverted smile.
“With no panties covering your cunt, you’ll be able to feel the shame of your arousal for me dripping down your thighs,” he purred evilly, and I clenched my legs together after he spoke, hating that he was right.
He took a step back, holding that knife in one hand and my panties in the other. The material in the center was darker from my wetness—embarrassingly so.
“Go on, little rabbit. Run, so I can chase you.” He lowered his head slightly, making the visage of him even more sinister. “Run fast, because when I catch you—and I will—I’m going to make you take my cock whether you want it or not.”
He took another step back. And another. It was enough room for me to grip the handle of the door and twist it open.
And it did… easily.
I didn’t dwell on the fact that he was the one who probably locked me in here. I didn’t think of anything aside from pulling open the door and running out of it.
But in the back of my mind, I knew it wouldn’t matter how fast or far I ran.
He’d chase me. And at the end of it all, he’d catch me.
Ifinally spotted a glowing Exit sign at the end of the hall and pushed open the backdoor of the haunted house, stumbling out. There was a group of people coming right up behind me and a wave of bodies directly in front of me.
For a second, I was discombobulated, unsure what was going on, because the only thing I could think about was what just happened.
The chainsaw douchebag started chasing everyone, but it was all background noise to me as I moved forward, my heart racing, and I was panting. The shame of my arousal was a sticky mess between my legs, and with every step I took, I felt my thighs slide wetly against each other.
I looked around, trying to find anyone I recognized. I didn’t see Bethany or the sorority girls. Although Zareth didn’t have plans to stay long at the carnival tonight, just a stop between parties, I still looked for my stepbrother. If anyone could handle the man who targeted me, it was the scary-as-hell and dangerous son of my stepdad.
But all I could find were people in their goofy Halloween costumes. They were laughing, completely oblivious to… any of this.