Page 47 of Broken Prince
“As much as I love the beast, it’s not exactly suitable for what I’ve got planned for us,” I say with a smirk. I take off around the corner of the house, listening to the crunch of gravel under her feet as she rushes to catch up.
“Well, what are we…” I open the passenger door, gazed fixed on her as she stares with wide eyes. “What the fuck is this?”
“It’s my pickup,” I say, blasé. “You gonna keep staring or are you getting in?”
“Did you modify a Ranger?” she asks, eyeing up my baby as she runs as hand across the panel.
“Yep,” I say with a shrug, it’s not a big deal. Frost gave it to me after I’d been with mom for a week. Has he seen what I’ve done to it? Nope.
“Can I drive?” she asks with a wide grin, her eyes sparkling. I watch her, seeing she’s shifting from foot to foot. Her hands clasped together in front of her as she bats her lashes at me. I chuckle, shaking my head and toss her the keys. She squeals as she rushes around to the driver’s side. “Don’t dent it,” I chastise as I climb into the passenger seat.
“Fat chance of that, babe,” she says with a laugh. My brows are lost in my hairline as I stare at her, mouth hanging open. Once she’s finished getting her seat right, she looks at me, and her face scrunches into a puzzled expression, “What?”
“Nothing,” I say with a smirk, I’m not pointing it out for her, but hearing her call me that instead of my name that she can fill with so much disdain is everything. I input the details into the nav and sit back with my legs up on the dash. She peels out of the garage with a screech of tires and a whoop that has me laughing in my seat.
“So where are we going?” she asks as she pulls out onto the highway, the music is playing and the trees whizz past.
“You’ll see when we get there,” I say, pulling my hat down so it covers my eyes. For the first time in a long time, I feel comfortable. I smirk as I imagine Brant’s face if he saw the pair of us now.
The engine roars as she shoots onto the highway, and I have to tense my legs to keep me from sliding all over the place. I’ll admit my hands are on the roof, stiff, because I’m filled with terror. The manic laughter coming from her as she swerves between the cars has me regretting the decision to let her drive.
“Shadow?” I growl, her laughter cuts off and she looks at me out of the corner of her eye. “You planning on paying for the ticket?” I relax a little as I feel the truck begin to slow, the engine not as ferocious as it was.
“Shit!” she exclaims, slamming her palm on the wheel.
“Woah!” I say. “What’s the matter?”
“What does it mean now the bastard has sold me?” she asks with a snarl. “I’ve lost my inheritance haven’t I?”
“I thought you didn’t care about money?” I ask with a chuckle. Her eyes narrow on me and she slams her hands down on the wheel again, yanking it to the side and the truck swerves. I grab onto the dash, my heart thumping in my chest as she snarls savagely and does it again. “Fucking hell, don’t break my truck!” I bellow, my voice thickly layered with panic as she swerves again.
“Fuck, Shadow! Stop it,” I plead as cars honk at us. “I was joking!”
“What the fuck are you grumbling about?” she demands. “I don’t give a fuck about the money, but it would be nice to know if I need to go and get a job.”
“Why would you need to work?” I ask, confused, my muscles are twinging from the force I’m pushing into them to keep me still.
“I need money, asshat,” she snaps, her teeth grinding together. I open my mouth to speak, but she cuts me off. “Shut it, you’re not keeping me.”
“Shadow?” I say softly.
“No, Kylo, I want to pay my way,” she growls. “So tell me, do you know if I have to or not?”
“Shadow,” I purr. “Slow down before you get us pulled over or worse.”
I relax further as the truck slows again to a reasonable speed, not the breakneck one she’s been driving at since we left the house. “Bo made sure he gave you access to your inheritance before the signed the deal.”
“Bo?” she asks, scratching at her cheek.
“Yeah, Bo,” I say with a chuckle, watching as her face flicks between surprise and confusion.
“But why?” she asks, and this time I can’t hold back the laugh that was fighting its way to the surface.
“Because she’s not the evil bitch monster from hell you thought she was,” I say with a shrug.
She opens her mouth to say something, when the navigation tells us to take the next right. Her brows furrow with confusion as she hits the signal and turns, leaving the main road and onto another one that weaves between the trees. We pass massive black iron gates on our left as the nav keeps us heading forward. We get a glimpse of the black lodge hiding behind the fence line and I hear her blow out a “Wow!” The nav lets us know we’ve reached our destination and she pulls up in front of the wooden building, her head whipping to face me as she scrutinizes me.
“What?” I ask with a playful tone.