Page 50 of Broken Prince
“Yep, that’s the anomaly that is Bo Walker. Honestly, Shadow, she’s perfect for my brother,” he says, his voice stronger than it was. “She’s good for all of them, she brings the strength and logic they need.”
“Damn, her life must have been hell,” I say, as a whole load of respect washes over me for her. I pull my phone out of my pocket, tapping the contact information he sent me and start typing.
Hey, it’s Sam. You free? If so, do you fancy meeting me for a drink?”
Three little dots pop up instantly on the screen, letting me know she’s replying.
Hey! Yeah, I’m free, do you want to come to me or shall I come to the house?
“I’ve just messaged her,and asked if she wanted to meet up,” I say, opening the door. The sound kicks him into gear and he jumps out, stuffing his hands in his pockets as he grinds the heel of his boot into the gravel.
“Okay, what did she say?” he mutters, I can feel the unease rolling of him in waves. I walk over to him, wrapping my hands around the back of his neck. I relax a little when his hands wrap around my waist, pulling me in tighter.
“Look, I know you were worried I was going to run when you told me about Brant’s mom,” I say, dipping a little so I can look him in the eyes. “Bo gave you a second chance, you told me what happened and I’m still here.”
“You can leave anytime you want to,” he says, his voice low. I rub the back of his neck until he lifts his head and looks at me. I stand to my full height, my knees killing me from being stooped to see him.
“Look, we didn’t get on at the beginning,” I say with a chuckle, “But now, I’ve seen what Brantley told me. That you are so much more than what people think you are. You said I had the weekend to see if this is what I wanted?” He nods his head. “Well, I do, there will be ground rules though.”
His eyes are wide and his brows lift as he stares at me with surprise. I have to fight back the smirk tipping the edge of my lips as a shudder passes through him. I hug him tightly, the urge to protect him heavy as we stand on the driveway.
“I love you,” he says, and I freeze, my body locking up as panic sweeps over me. My hands start to tremble as my mind races to do something. “Stop freaking out,” he rumbles. “I mean it, but I don’t expect anything from you. This is what Bo meant when she asked if I told you how I feel.”
“Kylo, I…” My words break off, I can’t find the right way to explain everything. This is too much too soon and I have to be honest, he may think like he feels like this now, but he doesn’t know me well enough to make such a declaration.
“You don’t need to say anything now, these feelings scare the shit out of me, Shadow,” he says softly. “But no matter what, I’m here for you, even if this isn’t what you want.”
He pulls my hands off his neck slowly, his eyes shimmering with emotion, and I bite my lip, guilt chewing at my insides. I know he isn’t what I thought he was, but this is a huge mistake on his part. How could he think he feels this way about me? I poison everything I touch, even if I don’t mean to. He disappears out of sight and I hear the back of the truck open up. He comes back around with a bag in his hands. “I texted Bo and told her to come here, I’ll give you two some space.” Then he disappears into the shadows in the house.
A chilly breeze cuts through the air, washing over me, and I shiver, an ice-cold feeling settling into my skin even though I have a hoodie on. I stare at the house for what feels like a lifetime, my mind still frozen at the confession when lights cut through the darkness.
“Sam?” I hear someone say.
I’m immobile as I hear a car door close with a bang, then gravel crunching under feet. “What’re you doing out here?” Bo says as she steps in front of me. Her eyes rake over me, taking me in as I shiver in the cold night air. How long were we at the range for?
I think I’m looking at her, but it’s like I can’t see anything in front of me, all there is, is those three words echoing in my head. I only know it’s her because I recognize her voice. She pulls me toward the house, I think, my steps are heavy as if there is lead in my shoes. The gravel sound stops and then there’s the thud I recognize from the floor inside the house. I’m pushed into a seat and then I hear banging around, the sound clears my fog and I see Bo searching the kitchen for something, cursing under her breath.
“What are you doing?” I ask with a puzzled expression, and her head whips round to me and she breathes a sigh of relief.
“Fucking hell, you scared the shit out of me then,” she gripes, turning her attention back to whatever she’s doing. “I wasn’t expecting to pull up and see you standing outside looking like you’d gone catatonic.”
“Huh?” I ask, my brows scrunching together with a frown. Another shiver washes over me and my teeth chatter. “I wasn’t catatonic,” I protest.
“Erm, yeah you were,” she says, banging around in the cupboards.
“What are you looking for?” I ask puzzled, she’s had every door and drawer open since I’ve been paying attention.
“Alcohol,” she says with a growl, and I burst out laughing. The frustration on her face is comical as she looks at me and glares, and it only makes me laugh harder. I can see the smirk tipping the edge of her mouth as she throws daggers at me.
“Bottom cupboard on your right, and I think there are glasses in there too,” I say with a chuckle, not breaking eye contact with her. She smiles wide and ducks down, and I hear the clink of glass as she puts a bottle of vodka on the countertop.
“Thanks,” she says with a smile, twisting the cap off the bottle of vodka and pouring a generous amount for the both of us.
My stomach rolls at the thought of drinking again after last night. She must see the disgust on my face because she chuckles as she heads to the fridge to find something to go with it. “So, you planning on telling me what’s got you so spooked?”