Page 53 of Broken Prince
“You going to tell me what the hell has been going on or do I have to force it out of you?” Brantley gripes on my left. I pay him no attention as I try to keep my focus on the professor, I can hear his pen cracking in his hand. “So it’s like that then, yeah? We all see you rocking up with her this morning and then you kiss each other like the world’s ending and you’re telling me squat!”
“Damn, dude, are you going to annoy the shit out of me until I say something?” I growl; he’s been chewing my ear off since we left the lot. I laughed at the tantrum he was throwing, but it didn’t help that the rumor mill is working overtime and people were whispering to each other as we passed. Damn, I thought we would’ve gotten a couple of lessons out of the way first, but it didn’t work that way.
I expected to see Warrick on the war path but I haven’t seen him yet. Shadow hasn’t messaged yet either. I know because I’ve been checking my phone religiously since I left her, so that means he isn’t causing her any shit.
“That shady as shit thing that I told you I got feeling was going to happen, well it did,” I say, keeping my eyes on the professor, but my voice is low enough for him to hear, without anyone else listening in. “Bo rocked up to me the night we broke up for break, with Sam in tow. Turns out her dad was planning on selling her to Warrick’s dad, and Bo beat him to it.”
“What the fuck?” he whisper-shouts, and I chuckle at the look on his face. “So how the fuck do you go from that to looking like a happily ever after couple?”
“Very funny,” I growl. “It’s not that. Some other shit happened and then I was honest and told her what happened when we were younger. You know what I mean.”
His brows shoot to his hairline in shock, his face going pale. He opens his mouth to say something but then he stops. His hands shake on the table and I hear the pen snap in his hand.
“I only told her to let her know the truth, I gave her the option to leave after that and she stayed put,” I say with a shrug… I still can’t believe she stayed. “Then we went on a date.”
“Back the fuck up,” he says too loudly, catching the attention of some of the students near us. I lean forward, eyes narrowed on them, glaring until they lower their heads and get back to what they were doing. “You went on a date?”
“Yep, and we had a blast. She even had a drink with Bo that night. So I’m counting it as a win,” I chuckle.
“So, you together then?” he asks curiously.
“Did you expect anything different?” I say with a huge grin. “She’s mine, it just took her a little longer to catch up to it.”
“Damn, so is she at the house then?” he says leaning closer.
“Yeah, she is,” I admit. He goes to reply but I hold my hand up to stop him. “But before you start spewing shit, she’s in one of the other rooms.”
“Wow!” he says. “I never thought I’d see the day my boy would become domesticated.”
I turn in my seat to face him, my eyes narrowed. He slides his chair back, and I smirk as I see the flicker of fear flash across his face. The bell rings, and all the students jump to their feet. I stuff my things in my bag, my eyes still on him. I stand up slowly, a manic grin on my face, and he jumps to his feet with a shit eating grin on his. I rush forward to grab him and he laughs, managing to jump out of my way. He takes off, pushing people out of the way to get out into the corridor. I charge after him, knocking people over as I push my way through the crowd. I can hear his laughter from the other end of the corridor as he weaves his way through the students.
“I’m coming for you, Brant,” I bellow, hearing his mocking laughter. My eyes narrow as I track his movements. I squeeze through a group of girls and rush down the stairs to the lower floor, where I crash out into the corridor and a make a group of girls squeal.
I hear excited chatter as people rush out onto the lawn, and the crowd presses together making it impossible to get through. I can hear raised voices as the crowd chants fight, fight, fight. A pang in my gut has me gripping people by the back of their necks and launching them out of my way to clear a path.
“She’s mine!” I hear bellowed as I push to get through a group of jocks. “This is a warning to your boy, he touches what’s mine, and I’ll start taking my shit out on you, faggot.”
Rage explodes as I haul the guy in front of me backward, and I charge through the crowd. Launching myself like a missile, I slam into Warrick, both of us rolling across the floor. I pin him down and rain blow after blow, and his eyes widen when he realizes I’m the one who’s pinned him. I’m dragged off him, managing to get my feet under me and spin around. I come face to face with his two friends, I punch one, knocking him to the ground as the other looks between his friends. Brantley’s on the floor coughing, his face is covered in blood and I’m reminded of the day I found some guys beating the shit out of him for being who he is.
“You good?” I shout over to him. His head slowly turns to me and I can see the pain on his face. He gives me a slight nod and relief floods me. This fucker went after my friend because of me. His eyes widen and I duck, I feel the air whoosh over the top of my head as I spin and lash out with a fist, catching Warrick in the nose. He stumbles back again, and I press forward, the voices screaming in my head for the first time since Shadow came to the house.
“She’s mine!” he roars, rushing forward, and I grip him by the throat, pulling him closer until we’re nose to nose.
“She will never be yours,” I snarl, the sound terrifying even to my ears. I can see Brantley trying to pull himself up out of the corner of my eye.
“Mr. Chambers!” I don’t acknowledge the voice, my eyes still on the fucker in front of me who’s gasping for air. “Release Mr. Bowers this instant!”
“I don’t think I will, Principal,” I snarl as he comes into view behind Warrick. His lips are turning blue, but I don’t give a shit. I tighten my hold, just a touch, and watch terror in his eyes. “Why should I let him go, when you are so willing to overlook the situation with him and his friends constantly going after my friend because of his sexual orientation?”
“Kylo?” Shadow’s voice is like a beacon of light through the darkness in my head. I don’t relax my hold, but everything becomes a little clearer, even the voices have stopped demanding revenge for what he’s just done. “Let him go.”
“Miss Whitlock,” the Principal snaps. “I told you to vacate the premises, those were the terms of your suspension.”
“You’re suspended?” I ask, looking at her for the first time. Darkness shines in her eyes, and I can feel the anger she’s bottling up. “What happened?”