Page 3 of Poison
“Hey gorgeous,” a deep, gravelly voice rumbles from behind me.
I turn around and stop short. Three gorgeous guys are standing there, smiling at me. The one who’s in front of the others smirks, lifting a brow as his eyes run up and down the length of my body. From his size alone, I would put him as a wolf or dragon, while the other two are nearly as big and just as devastating to look at. He has blonde-ish brown hair, from what I can make out under the fairy lights that are scattered around the place, his jaw is carved from stone. Brilliantly bright amber eyes shine against his olive-coloured skin, and I have to crane my neck back to meet his gaze as he towers over me.
“Hey,” I say, grabbing a plate from the end of the table.
“What’s your name, beautiful?” the dark haired one asks from behind the leader. Heat rushes up my face as embarrassment sets in at them talking to me.
“Huh?” They all smirk as I continue to become flustered.
“Your name?” he repeats.
I square my shoulders and try and ignore the redness of my cheeks. “Poison, and you are?”
His brows scrunch together in a frown and his lip curls into a sneer. “Ah! So you’re the dud, what a shame,” the leader says as the other two scoff behind him.
They all turn away and head deeper into the party like I’m invisible.
How rude do they need to be? They approached me, not the other way around. Clearly, they’ve heard the rumours about me—who hasn’t though, at this point? But surely, they should have known who I am from my hair colour alone, it’s not exactly common to have natural green and blue hair. Most supernatural’s hair colour ranges from bright blonde/almost white to black with all the natural colour variations you’d see with humans. So yeah, that’s one of the reason how people recognise me, because all supernatural’s keep their hair natural. The worst part of it all is having someone else call me dud. It hurts like hell when family do it, but I’ve grown accustomed to the way they speak to or about me. This though, this opens up a pit in my stomach and dread pools.
“Can I eat them?”Kevin snarls in my head as I watch the three of them start a conversation up with my cousin, Lydia, who giggles at something they say. All of their eyes turn to me and the look of disgust on my cousin’s face tells me they’re talking about me.
Trying to ignore them, I lift my face to the sky where a crescent moon shines through the branches of the trees.
“Why are you doing this to me? Is it payback for something my parents did? Something I did in another life?” I ask the gods again but, as usual, they don’t answer.
My mind conjures up all the reasons why this would happen to me. How could I be dealt the life that I have and not question it? I’ve asked the gods many times to explain why I’m like this, but I’ve never had a response so I don’t know why I’m trying to get one now. I blow out a harsh breath into the cold night air as defeat settles into my bones.
I feel so alone in this world, even with all the people and Kevin surrounding me. It’s like I’m an outsider looking in. What have I done to deserve to be put through this?
There is only one thing I always come back to; it must mean I’m not worthy.
“P?”Kevin’s voice whispers through my mind.
I shut the link off between us, giving myself some privacy. A thump builds in my head causing a headache, and the pressure builds to a crescendo, almost like my brain is about to explode. I know he’s trying to force his way back in and it’s giving me the mother of all headaches, but I ignore him, along with everyone else trying to catch my attention as I make my way through the party goers, with blurred vision. I need the solace of my room, where I know no one will come to bother me—I’ve spent enough time at the party to appease my aunt for sure. The thumping in my head becomes harsher than ever, feeling like a jackhammer is in there as I make it through the doors into the silent kitchen.
The servers must be out in the party, but it’s weird the cooks aren’t here. Hmm, the pain in my head grows relentless. My vision blurs further and tears fill my eyes. Trying my best to navigate the house with limited vision is a nightmare.
“So nice of you to join us, Poison.”
I stumble to a stop as my aunt’s voice halts me.
“Aunt, I’m sorry to disturb you. But I need to go lie down. I have the mother of all headaches,” I say in a hushed whisper filled with a plea for her to let me go.
“You’re leaving,” someone says.
I recognise the owner of the voice, and my heart skips a beat. Marshall Dane is a council member and a close friend of my aunt’s. I remember my aunt having me write an invitation for tonight out for him and his family. But he declined, saying he had other pressing matters to deal with. Dread fills me as I hear muttering from other people in the room, but the main thing that is putting me on edge is… if he’s here, then something is happening…
“Tanika, can you get ready, please?” my aunt’s voice booms throughout the silent space.
“Yes mistress,” she quietly responds, before I hear her scuttle away.
The beating against my brain stops, and my vision clears enough to see everyone from the council sitting around the room, staring at me.
“What going on?” My voice trembles.
“Are you sure about this?” another voice asks, adding to the building terror I already have.
“I don’t think she will make it past the first week,” Council member Boneflare sneers as he looks at me down the length of his nose. He’s the head of the dark witches and is terrifying to look at, his features are sunken in and he’s extremely thin.