Page 31 of Poison
“Evening, Rowena, thank you for coming on such short notice. I know how busy you are.”
“It’s no problem at all,” she says with a wispy tone; her voice sounds like it’s three people talking at once.
I look over to Kevin, who somehow managed to slip off the bed without me noticing, he’s now taken up residence back in the furthest part of the room.
“Oh my, you are seriously wounded, sweetie,” she says, pulling things out of the black bag she has.
“How did it happen?” she asks with a weird look shining in her eyes.
“I don’t know,” I reply quickly. There’s something about her that has my nerves pulsing, it doesn’t help I can see how uncomfortable Kevin is about the newcomer.
Her lips purse together as she looks over all the weird vials and other things she’s just pulled out of her bag. It’s like she’s got a full craft room in there, everything a witch could need for a whole host of spells and such. She sets to making something and I watch with suspicion and interest as she mixes things together, wisps of black and blue magic swirling from her hands, wrapping around the vial that’s switching between a plethora of colours.
“What is that?” I ask bluntly.
Rowena coughs and then chuckles as she turns to face me with a smile on her face.
“I would have healed you with my magic as I’m the advanced healer for the council, but I wasn’t sure it would be a good idea,” she says sweetly, her long black shirt swaying side to side as she walks.
“You mean with me being a dud?” I blurt.
Her lips pucker up with distaste as she looks me over again.
“Why would you be so cruel to yourself, sweetie?”
I’m caught off guard by her question and I tilt my head to the side, trying my damndest to work out why she would ask me that. Nobody in my entire existence—other than Kevin—has ever asked me that question.
“I can see I’ve made you uncomfortable and for that, I apologise.”
I can tell she means it and I find myself relaxing a little in her presence.
“If you’re the healer for the council, what’re you doing here?” Colour me curious but the question crossed my mind instantly when she said she was their healer. It doesn’t make sense that my aunt would send her, and I know the other council members would rather I not be a burden.
“I’ve known Rowena since she was a girl.” Mr Skullmyer speaks for the first time since she started making her mojo. “I was the one who convinced her to go for the job as healer at the council. She always had a knack for healing.”
“Mr Skullmyer was the headmaster when I attended here, oh so many years ago,” she says with a smirk. Mr Skullmyer scoffs at the jibe but I can see he hasn’t taken offence to it.
“Less of the old, please, I don’t need a reminder of how long I’ve been the headmaster here, thank you very much,” he retorts with a smile. My eyes jump between the pair of them joking like old friends, my head spinning with questions. If he was the headteacher then, how old is he now?
“Sorry, Poison, I didn’t mean to get off track,” she says with a sheepish smile.
She hands me a small vial with a weird black looking substance inside it, I can see a faint breach in the colour in a pattern. But it’s that faint, I’m not able to make it out clearly. I bring it to my noise and take a whiff, gagging at the smell burning up my sinuses.Oh hell no!
“It smells and taste like crap,” she says with a crooked frown. “I wish I could make it easier to swallow but the nastiest things always seem to help the best.”
Mr Skullmyer nods his head, reassuring me. I look between him and the vial in my hand, recoiling away from the vial as the smell penetrates my nose again, gipping as I try to breathe slowly through my mouth to try and avoid the stench.
“Bottoms up, Poison.” He urges me to take it, and I narrow my eyes on him. If anything happens and I end up dying from this, I’m going to haunt his arse from eternity.
“Oh for fuck’s sake, Pop, just swallow the damn potion, will you?”Kevin chides in my mind. I growl back at him and I see the evil smile spread across his face.
Rowena catches me looking to the back of the room, her body turning so her eyes can follow my line of sight. Her face scrunchies up with confusion as she looks back at me with a quirked brow.Shit, can she see him?
Without another thought, I pinch my nostrils to try and stop the smell from going up my nose. I bring the vial to my lips, taking a deep breath as I psych myself up. Kevin nods again and I throw the contents of the vial down my throat. I gag as the concoction burns a path down my oesophagus, slapping my hand over my mouth to stop me from throwing it back up, I swallow it down and gip again as I feel the sludge like substance hit my stomach.
“What the hell was in that?” I manage to say, then I gag again.