Page 7 of Stalked to the Altar
“Silas. Silas Caputo.” He stuck his hand out for me to shake but fuck if I was going to touch him. He left his hand between us in the air, an eyebrow raised in a challenge that I was too chickenshit to take.
An uncomfortable amount of time passed before he relented, realizing I wouldn’t shake his hand. Instead of being angry, though, the quirk of his lip suggested he was amused by me.
“Can I help you?” I asked in the most professional voice I could manage.
“Sure can. I locked myself out of our apartment and was wondering if you wanted to grab dinner with me while I waited for the property manager.”
My initial response was shock, but I tried to keep my expression neutral. I couldn’t believe he was asking me out. He was a manwhore, and there was no way I was going to go out with him, no matter how hot he was.
“As you can see, I’m work–”
“Your shift is done, Eden.” Adelaide interrupted from her office before I could finish. “Tonight was just the meet and greet. Go have fun!”
I suppressed a groan, and Silas’s smile grew even wider.
“Guess you have time now, don’t you? Hey, it’s my treat.”
Feeling pressured, and not wanting to be rude, I gathered my things—including a couple new books—and waved goodbye to Adelaide, who hadn’t so much as looked up from her book since telling me I was free to go. I made a mental note: if I got murdered tonight by this fucker, I would haunt Adelaide and this library like I was in the opening scene of Ghostbusters.
“I’m only coming with you because we both have to eat,” I grumbled unhappily.
“Fair enough.” He shrugged, like my reasoning didn’t matter as long as I came with him.
It probably didn’t. But all of this made little sense. I knew he had women throwing themselves at him. I mean, look at him, why wouldn’t they? But why was he bothering me?
Fears of just being a simple conquest between the sheets made me stop in my tracks. That idea bothered me. I couldn’t do this. I didn’t want to be around someone like him. It reminded me of the horrible names my mother called me, what she accused me of being.
Just as I was about to ditch my neighbor and run my ass all the way home, I was thwarted by a wall of a man that I literally bounced off of in my haste to flee.
“Oops, I’m so sorry,” I said trying to catch the books that tumbled out of my hands. Failing miserably, I knelt down to retrieve them. Humiliating.
“If you’ll excuse us.” Silas’ icy tone set my teeth on edge. “Be more careful in the future.”
A deep voice chuckled. “Yeah. No problem.”
I glanced up and noticed a huge man in a football jersey smirking down me. A shiver ran up my spine. He nodded my way then went about his business.
“Are you alright?” Silas whispered into my ear as he crouched beside me, grabbing hold of my books and helping me to my feet.
I couldn’t be fooled by this act of protection. Something was off about my neighbor, and I wasn’t going to let my guard down. And it totally had nothing to do with the irrational anger that ran through me every time I thought of him with another woman.
“On second thought, I’m going to head home. I have a ton of homework to do.” I didn’t give him time to respond or even gauge his reaction as I veered away from him quickly and headed straight back to our apartment building without looking back. I heard him start to follow me, but I tucked my chin to my chest and kept walking, increasing my speed.
It was a cowardly thing to do, I know, but his presence was too potent. I could see myself getting lost in the deep blue of his eyes and forgetting that he fucked everything in sight. Plus, he was a bit creepy. I totally shouldn’t be into that. I wasn’t a stupid girl. It was best not to tempt fate and get away from his overwhelming aura as fast as I could. I’d just ignore him.
I made it to my door, alone.
After eating a late dinner while safe in my apartment, I gathered my books and started the grueling task of studying. I wanted to get ahead on everything. I met with my advisor a few days earlier, and she’d suggested I take Italian next semester, so I had a better chance of getting in with the Bodies for Change program. It was an organization that went overseas and performed genetic research for students. I preferred the Finland program or even the New Zealand one, but they weren’t offered at this university. If I got in, I would have my pick of jobs once I graduated.
Just as I opened my chemistry textbook, the typical nightly moans from next door started, making me grind my teeth in irritation. I guess he’d gotten back into his apartment after all.
That didn’t take long, did it? He’s already onto the next hot piece only two hours after trying to lure me in. He probably picked some random chick up while he was out getting that dinner he’d wanted me to go on. Typical. I shouldn’t even be angry. It was vindicating, knowing I was right to refuse his offer, but also a little disappointing. My mama always told me men were only good at putting food on the table. They couldn’t keep it in their pants. I used to argue, but the more I learned about people, the more I wondered if she was right.
I tried to ignore sounds of passion coming from next door, but I’d spent so much time masturbating to his play dates that my body continued to respond despite my anger. After half an hour, I toss my textbook across the room. It wasn’t like I was paying attention to the material at this point.
Plopping back on the bed, my mind automatically started to picture my neighbor. Silas. Silas Caputo. What a sexy name. He had a slight European accent too, which was seriously hot. I wanted him to talk to me all night long. Every sound out of that pouty mouth of his made me more obsessed. I wondered if he lounged around in grey sweatpants. I would murder someone just to be an audience for that show.
My hands traveled up my body toward my chest. My nipples, already pebbling with arousal, felt sensitive to the touch. Sliding up inside my top, I pushed my bra down so I could reach my breasts. Pulling them taut until the brown buds stood up, stiff and aching, I sighed. I had my t-shirt clenched between my teeth, holding it up as I rubbed my clit. The sweet sounds of flesh slapping on flesh next door caused my inner muscles to clench as if it were me getting that good dick. That imagery alone, of Silas fucking me until I screamed, tipped me over the crest into an orgasm that shook me. My gritted teeth muffled my cries as I strained against the shirt I’d shoved in my mouth.