Page 11 of Mine
I give Duke a few minutes to get started before heading his way to take over. I’m not about to watch a seventy-year-old man struggle to wash my truck, not when I’m more than capable.
That’s not the type of torture or humiliation I enjoy.
I love my friends, I love my friends, I love my friends.I repeat the mantra over and over in my head.
Hunched over, leaning on the kitchen island, I dig the heel of my hand into my eyes.
Heaving a sigh, I try to gather what’s left of my patience. “What do you mean we can’t turn the lights on?” With a quick lift of my head, I glare at Jason. “You said we had permission to be here!”
“No.” He grins, throwing the keys onto the counter. “I said I got us the keys.”
“No one gave you the keys, did they?” I clarify.
“Give, take.” He shrugs. “It’s all the same thing.”
“Yeah . . . no, no, it’s not.”Fucking moron.
“Oh my God, I’m going to get arrested,” Laura gasps. “I cannot get a criminal record. Do you know how bad that would look? Oh, hi I’m Laura your new accounts manager and an actual felon!” she screeches, slapping her hand on the old wooden kitchen top.
Jason and Billy laugh, which only seems to set her panic off more.
Very quickly, she starts gasping for air and having a full-on panic attack.
I send Amy a look that says I think she’s an idiot for dating him, only to receive a sheepish smile.
I don’t know what she sees in him, but I also don’t bother asking because I know the answer. The same one she always gives . . .He’s good in bed.I roll my eyes.Oh please, no one is that good, right?
“Baby, breathe,” Billy encourages, trying to coach her to mimic his own breathing. She’s not having a fucking baby.
I swear to God, where do they find these boys?
Stepping around the counter, I gesture to Amy to give me a hand with Laura. We’re used to helping her manage the anxiety that comes with disappointing her parents.
“Deep breath in,” Amy ordered, “and hold.”
“Good, Laura, you’re doing great,” I encourage.
“And out. And in.”
Once I see Amy has everything under control, I turn to the fuckup and his number one fan.
Pointing my finger at Billy, I glare. “You’re supposed to be her boyfriend. How about you do something other than laugh at his lame ass before you find yourself single?” I gesture toward Jason.
Suitably reprimanded, Billy steps closer to Laura, tugging her into his embrace. I don’t hear the words he whispers to her, but I watch as her body relaxes fully, and she tucks herself into his arms more firmly.
I look around the kitchen counters, and when I don’t see what I’m looking for, I start opening drawers.
By the sixth empty drawer, I slam it closed in frustration. “There have to be candles or flashlights around here somewhere. You can’t tell me this camp was full of kids a few months ago, and they didn’t leave anything behind.”
“Lost and found.” Jason pipes up.
Huh . . . I guess he does have a good thought every now and then.
“Try not to break any more laws while you’re looking,” Amy teases him. She winks at Laura, who has now completely settled.