Page 30 of Mine
It’s an effort to soothe me, but it’s in vain. Two strange weirdos crept into the house, possibly killed two of my friends, and planned to do God knows what to the rest of us. And somehow, the big scary, creepy, hot wall of muscle wearing a mask made of burlap thinks that stroking my hair will make this okay.
Ugly sobs rip their way out of me from deep within my chest.
This was supposed to be a relaxing girls’ weekend. How had it gone so badly?
The hand on my head freezes like he’s unsure of what to do or how to make this better.Like he fucking could!
The music pulses around us, and the beating in my head soon matches it in rhythm. Had it always been this loud?
My breaths get short. I’m struggling to get enough air. Can you have a heart attack at twenty?
“Ssshhhh,” a computer-altered voice tries to soothe now from beside me. His heat is back, and his other hand settles on my body, too—this time on my stomach. He rubs gently but firmly back and forth, and the hand on my head lowers to my back. Its actions mirror that of his other.
It’s not working. My mind reels with images of what might have happened upstairs. Of what could happen down here.
I am not in control of myself anymore.
A loud smack echoes through the kitchen as if the music upstairs isn’t even playing. It takes far too long for both my brain and my body to register what it was, which is probably why he does it again and then again.
The sound slaps out at the room over and over until the heat in my ass finally registers.
This motherfucker just spanked me. Hard!
My senses come to me just in time to twist my hips in an attempt to miss the next swing. I am semi-successful as it lands on my hip.
“Hmm.” That’s the only sound my assaulter makes as if he’s pissed he missed his target.
The gloved hands of the man before me wipe at my face, clearing off my tears, but more soon replace them as the coppery smell fills my nose once more, only this time stronger. And somehow, I just know. Tears are no longer the only reason my cheeks are wet.
Happy that I have settled enough, the heat beside me pulls away, and slowly, his hands on my ass and tummy leave me, too.
“I’ve got her.” The words come from the one in front of me, but I ignore him. Instead, I look next to me where the other one is and plead with my eyes for him to stay.
I don’t know him, and he fucking terrifies me, but I do know that out of the two of them, I’m safer with him.
When that has no effect, I turn to begging. I’m not above it. There is a time to be prideful and a time to survive.
“Please, please don’t leave me. I wanna stay with you,” I stammer out.
My words visibly affect him. I watch as he stands taller, his chest somehow becoming broader. But he doesn’t try to touch me or bring me closer to him.
My lip trembles, and my body shakes. I refuse to consider why his lack of comfort upsets me.
The two brothers face one another, towering over me. Although only one set of eyes is in view, it’s like they share a look, a silent conversation between the two of them.
Their height allows them a moment of privacy, like I’m not even here.
The one before me in the white mask blinks, and his eyes soften in the dim light when they shift to me and back.
He gives his brother a sharp nod, and the skin around his eye’s shifts. He’s smiling.
Both of their attentions turn to me. I may only see one set of eyes, but I can feel two. Whatever they just communicated was about me, and somehow, that made me feel better.
“Be a good girl.” Those parting words are whispered, as much as they can be with the altered voice, right before he kisses my forehead. His mask scratches at my skin, then he turns and leaves.
My heart drops when he turns the corner, and I lose sight of him.
Arms wrap around me tightly, wedging my arms between us, but that doesn’t stop me from kicking out. This only earns me a light laugh. One that tells me he thinks my attempt at freedom is cute.