72 of Highest Bidder
It’s only polite to express your condolences, I tried to convince myself, but I knew that it was perhaps the last thing that he wanted. Still it was a good chance, and I chose to take it.
He picked up on the third ring. “Hello.”
I was so surprised to hear his voice that for the first few seconds, I completely forgot what I wanted to say.
“Hello,” he called again.
“It’s Freya,” I said.
“I know,” he responded, and it made it easier for me to breathe.
“I uh, I wanted to apologize ... I mean I’m very sorry for your loss.”
“I didn’t lose anything,” he said.
My mood instantly darkened as the reality of his words dawned on me. “Your brother just died,” I reminded him.
“Freya I’m very busy right now. Do you need something?”
“Yes!” I replied. “We need to talk.”
“When can we meet?”
“I’ll be out of the office in an hour.”
His office would have been the best meeting place, but I was skeptical about being in his territory. “Do you want to meet in a cafe? It might be a bit risky for you especially—”
“It’s fine. Send me an address.”
“Alright,” I replied, and he ended the call.
When I arrived, he was already waiting with a cup of coffee. Only when I took my seat did I realize that he was speaking to someone on the phone via the ear-pod in his ears. His eyes followed me as I took my jacket off and sat down, and he only ended the call just as I gave my order of a latte to the waiter. My nerves were fraught as I briefly busied myself with checking my phone for alerts, and by the time I looked up, his hardened gaze told me that it was time to speak.
“I won’t take much of your time,” I began. “Judi called me, and told me that you told her to take over my mother’s boutique.”
He watched me, and didn’t say a word.
“Is that true?” I urged.
“It is,” he answered.
I gasped with shock. I really thought she’d lied.
He took a sip of his coffee, lightly brushed away the stray strands of hair that had fallen unto his face, and returned his gaze to me. He looked at me without any element of remorse.
I sat back, amazed, a thousand words that I wanted to say to him passing through my mind but I didn’t even know where to begin. “Brent, do you truly not see anything wrong with that or do you just not care?”
“It was wrong,” he admitted.
At this admittance, I almost pressed my hand to my chest in relief. He wasn’t completely insane.
“But it was the only way I knew to get you.”
“Brent, you cannot possibly think that it is okay to toy with people like that.”
“What do you want from me, Freya? I’ve had a long day. Do you want me to apologize?”
“I don’t need your apology,” I replied. “You can keep it. I do however want to know exactly how much you paid for my mother’s arrears. I’d like to return it back to you.”
This was not how I had planned the conversation to go, but I watched in horror as it all twisted away from me.
“You’re pregnant, aren’t you?” he stated.
I froze.
“Were you planning to ever tell me about it?”
“How did you know?” I declared.
His smile was bitter. “Judi told me because she had the impression I would hate the idea so much I’d make you get rid of it.”
I bit my lip. “And that’s what you want?”
“No, I want you yo have the child.”
My heart stuttered to a stop. “What?”
“I’ll support you,” he said. “I’ll be there every step of the way. I’ll ensure you’ll have all that you’ll need so that the child does not hinder you in anyway. You’re still incredibly young.”
My head swirled around with confusion. “Brent, what would have happened if I didn’t call you here today? You’re not just finding out now, are you? If you chose to remain silent then why are you speaking about it now?”
“Freya,” he said. “I don’t know what you want. I’ve asked you before, but you chose to push me away instead. You’ve constantly chosen to push me away. Am I that unsavory to you?”
I was struck at his words. Tears filled my eyes and I didn’t bother to hide them. “Can you blame me? Look at the things that you do!”
“Like what?” he asked.
“You got Judi Mirren to take over my mother’s boutique.”
“I wanted you.”
“Is what you want all that matters? How can I be with someone who is so …” I searched for the words. “Unfeeling? You almost shut down my mother’s business.”
He didn’t blink so I decided then that as long as he was listening I was going to say all I wanted to. “Did you sleep with Judi Mirren after we got together?”
He frowned. “I told you. Judi and I haven’t been lovers for years, but after what has happened with you, I’ve completely cut my ties with her. We’re nothing to each other now.”
I felt relief flood through me. “Brent, you scare me.”