Page 26 of Surviving Skarr
“What are you contemplating?” He forms an aggressive stance, as if he means to get in my face. “Who you’re going to attack next?”
Bah. Idiot. Does he think he is a threat? I will not even honor that with the appropriate response. “If you must know, I am contemplating how to win my female to my side. I am debating what sort of challenge will impress her.”
He turns to look at the fire, where Vivi is crouched nearby, tending to it and quietly listening in on conversation. He eyes her, and I frown at him, because he is looking at her for a very long time, and I do not like it. I give him a light shove, because he is likely delicate.
“A challenge, huh?” Jason ignores my sour mood and laughs in my face. “I don’t think that’s going to impress her, buddy. She looks like she’s shy.”
“A ruse so fools like you will let your guard down around her. Let me reassure you, she is a wily one.” I eye Vivi with pleasure, watching as her fingers brush against her ear and she pushes the lock of hair back behind it. Even now she is listening in on another conversation. Can Jason not see that she is gathering intel on the enemy? It is obvious.
“If you say so.”
I scoff at him. “As if you know anything about enticing human females.”
“Are you kidding?” He breaks into a grin. “Buddy, I’ve been around them my whole life. I’m the expert on this planet.”
That makes me pause. I eye him with new appreciation. He has been around females before? Clearly he is a clone, but whoever’s memories he has imprinted in his mind is clearly comfortable with the females. I have seen him talking and sharing blankets with several in a friendly manner. They accept him easily and show him no fear, unlike myself and the other splices. I stroke my chin again. “If that is so, then how do I win her over?”
“Well, you’ve got to show a girl you have game.”
“I havegame? I have already told her we are in a breeding competition.” I gesture at the others near the fire. “She does not care that the more time we waste, the less likely…” I trail off as Jason shakes his head at me. “What?”
“No. Not a competition. Game. Like you havegame.” When it is clear I do not follow, he continues. “You know, compliment a woman, make her realize you like her, that you’re into her, and then you break into a conversation.”
Is he blind? “Fool, what do you think I have been doing?”
“No, my guy, whatever you’re doing? That is the opposite of game.” His grin broadens. “You’re going around and telling everyone else that you think she’s great, that you’re the best and she’s the best. But have you told her that directly? Have you looked her in the eye and told her what you like about her? Have you made her realize that she is special to you?”
This lines up—suspiciously—with what I’rec said. “I’rec suggested a present to woo her.”
“Presents are good,” Jason agrees. “You have to show her in little ways that you like her. That you’re into her. That you want more than just sex from her.”
But…all I wantissex from her. To copulate as the khui demands. To mate and create a child.
He sees my skepticism. “Look, as a guy, I get it. You might want just sex from her, but you don’t want her to think that, understand?”
“So you wish me to win her by trickery.” This I understand.
“No, no. Man, talking to you is a mess.” He shakes his head. “I’m saying that you take the time to be her friend. Get to know her. Tell her directly the things you like about her. If you tell everyone else that you like her and you don’t say it to her, what’s she going to think?”
“She will think that I am a male that appreciates her?”
“She will think you want everyone else to think that you like her but you really don’t. Human women want to be approached directly.”
“With presents?”
“Sure, with presents.” He claps me on the shoulder. “You’re starting to get it now.”
“And if I do this, then she will yield to me?”
He winces. “I mean, not necessarily?”
I throw my hands in the air. All this information and it is useless? “Then what is the point?”
“The point is that you make her aware of your interest. You make her feel special. You talk to her. You tell her you like her. Over and over again, you do this. Over time, it’ll win her over.”
“So you are saying I chip away at her defenses until she is vulnerable, and then she lets me in.” It is a classic tactic, but one I had not thought to use upon my female. “I will give this more thought.”
And I will consider what a human female would like as a gift.