Page 44 of Surviving Skarr
“Ugh. You are full of yourself. Are you sure she didn’t run because you were talking?”
“I am certain. She does not mind my talking.” Well, much.
Jason rolls his eyes. “Then she’s the only one. You won’t shut up about how awesome you are and it gets on everyone’s nerves.”
It does? “Why would I be shy about my strength and cunning? It should be reassuring. The tribe will know I am a good, competent hunter. Not just competent, but the best.”
Ashtar says nothing, his hand pressed to his mouth. It looks like he is trying to hide a laugh or a grimace.
“If you’re so incredibly awesome, wouldn’t we already know this?” Jason demands. “Why shout it?”
“Children, children,” Ashtar finally speaks up, stepping forward toward us. “You sound like my boys right now. We’re all friends here.”
“I am merely trying to understand if it is the size of my cocks that is the problem,” I point out.
Jason blinks. “I’m sorry, did you say cocks?”
“I did.”
“I think we found out the issue.” Jason smirks. “You really have two cocks?”
“Of course. I am a ssethri splice.” I fail to see where this is strange.
Jason points at Ashtar then at himself. “He doesn’t have two cocks. I don’t have two cocks.”
“He is drakoni. You are human.” I shake my head again. “As I said, I am ssethri.”
“But your mate is human,” Ashtar reminds me. “And she knows nothing of other races of people in this galaxy. Not like we do.”
Is this so? Is that why Vivi panicked? Because I had one more cock than she expected? It is not the size of it or my reaction to her? “I cannot make one of my cocks vanish. When they extrude, they both extrude at once.”
“Extrude?” Jason’s brows furrow.
Ashtar uncurls a finger in an almost bouncy motion, demonstrating.
“Oh shit,extrude.” Jason’s eyes widen. “Well, now I want to see this shit after all. I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.”
So now he wants to see my cock? Bah. “I am not going to extrude for you. Only for my female.” I pause, considering. “So you think it was the number of cocks that made her panic?”
“A thousand percent,” Jason agrees.
I do not know what to do about that. I cannot change how I am built. It is a depressing thought, that Vivi might not like my body because of how it was created.
“Shall we get back to work?” Ashtar asks. “Pick out the pieces for the hut’s flooring and let’s get going before it gets too late in the day.”
Gail makes it clear that I’m welcome to stick to her side all day, and that she’ll introduce me to people without pressuring me to converse. She has a sweet, easygoing personality and I immediately trust her. It makes the day not terrible, sitting at her side and learning how to patch clothing with a bone awl and cord made from sinew. Gail chats with everyone, giving people my name so I can meet them and then immediately turning the conversation so I don’t feel on the spot.
Everyone else in the tribe seems pretty nice, too. There are a lot of babies and a fair amount of stern-looking, very tall blue aliens, but Gail reassures me that they are all kinder than they look, and I see more than one cuddling a baby or playing with a child, which eases my anxiety. The most intimidating one is actually a bossy blonde named Liz who seems to give everyone shit. She follows I’rec around, teasing him about “taters” or something, and I’rec does his best to ignore her.
I try to avoid her entirely, because I don’t think I can handle someone teasing me. I’m sure it’s meant in fun, but even so, I want no part of it.
Gail’s mate Vaza is an older male with deep blue skin, and their son has four arms and does not look even slightly human. I don’t ask about it. It’s clear they both love him and they are very much a family. Gail showers them both with kisses when they return, and when the little boy proudly holds up a dead animal he hunted, she exclaims over it as if he’s brought her diamonds. It’s cute.