Page 75 of Surviving Skarr
His thumb skims over my clit and then he flicks a glance up at my face, watching my response. When I make a sound of encouragement, he rocks his hips again, setting a slow rhythm as he toys with my clit.
Our movements are awkward and slow this time, but I’m so full that every sensation feels heightened. When I come, it’s with a low, aching curl deep in my belly and a sigh of pure delight as the release ripples through me. The tension in my body tightens to near-pain with my release and when I gasp, he makes a choked sound and pulls his lower cock out of me, thrusting deep with his primary and madly pounding into me with his second, even wetter release.
I hold him tight against me, burying my nose in his ridiculous boy-band hair that I love so much. Even if we decided to just fuck resonance out of our systems, Skarr has ruined me for other men with his two cocks and his love of touching me. There’s no coming back from this, I realize with a small smile to myself, and press a kiss to his shoulder.
And I’m perfectly fine with that.
When I wake up the next morning, a scent is tickling my nose. Vivi’s mane is in my mouth, my own is damp with sweat, and our skin is sticking together. We’re also still resonating, which is the only thing that ruins this otherwise perfect moment.
I remain still as she sleeps, listening to the incessant thrumming of the khuis in our chests and wonder what we did wrong. We mated. Isn’t that enough for resonance? Is it possible there was something else we needed to do in order to sate our khuis? Or am I yet not enough to satisfy her? The worry churns in my chest, building as I listen to her doze.
What if her khui declines my body? What if my seed is not satisfactory to her? What if her khui decides that it does not want a ssethri splice for a mate after all? What if—
“Mmm.” Vivi rolls over in the furs and moves toward me, tucking her face against my chest. “You smell good.”
I open my mouth and flick my tongue out into the cool morning air, wanting to taste all of her scent…and then cough. The over-sweet smell of old meat is in the air. “Our kill is starting to reek.”
She sits up, her eyes sleepy slits, and her mane tumbles over her glorious shoulders. She squints into the cave, looking around with a yawn. “Guess we’d better get up, mmm?”
“If you like. Are you tired?”
Her smile curls and she burrows back under the covers against my side. Her hand goes to my chest and she draws circles over my nipple, teasing it. “I’m wiped because someone kept me up all night.”
I chuckle at how adorable she is like this. All of the fierceness is gone from Vivi, replaced by a sleepy, shy female who wants nothing more than to touch me. Truly, I am the luckiest of gladiators to win her mating rights. Then I remember that we are yet resonating, and my smile dies. “Vivi…listen to your chest. Is it possible we did something wrong? We still resonate.”
She pauses, listening, and then presses her lips to my skin. “That. Yeah. Veronica said it might happen after a few nights. Some couples have to mate a lot before it takes. I hope you’re okay with that.”
“I will suffer in silence.”
That makes her snort with amusement. “I know you, and you haveneversuffered in silence. In fact, I’m not sure you’veeverbeen silent.”
“Cruel warrior.” Just for that, I ought to finger her until she’s squealing. The thought is extremely appealing. But then I breathe in, and the stink in the cave hits my nose. “Can we get that thing out of the cave? It’s killing the mood.”
But Vivi shakes her head, sitting up again. “We want it nice and ripe. We want our friend to smell it.”
“Something the next valley over is going to smell it at this rate.” I hold my nose, coughing.
She bats at my chest. “It’s not that bad.”
“You say that because you have human senses,” I grumble.
“I do.” Vivi lets out a heavy sigh and yawns again. “But we should get up. We have a lot of skiing to do today.”
I watch her appreciatively as she climbs out of the furs. Her long legs are sleek and beautiful, her buttocks each just the right size for fitting in my palm. One has a dimple in it and I find that incredibly erotic. I need to bite it. I need to drag her back to bed and push my cocks into her. Last night we mated many times, and yet I hunger for her this morning even more than I did before.
It is as if now that my khui has had a taste of her, it is ravenous.
There are a few small bruises on her thighs in the shape of my fingers, and I wince at the sight of them. I get to my feet, running my hands over her as I do. “Did I hurt you last night?”
“No. Why?” When I point out the marks, she laughs and waves them off. “We both got carried away. If you hurt me, I’ll let you know. I’ll punch you in the mouth.”
“Oh, good.” I am relieved. That is a signal I will not miss.
Vivi laughs even harder, shaking her head at me. “Skarr, you’re bigger than I am and sex is physical. We’re probably going to mark each other up every now and then.” She runs her hand down my arm, where I carry marks of her nails as they dug into my skin. “But I will tell you to stop if you ever hurt me, all right? I’m not the type to suffer in silence. I will make sure you know I’m not happy.”