Page 26 of Light From The Dark
I knew he was about to blow, and I forced my eyes to stay open, not wanting to miss a second when every atom in my body froze.
“You like my hand around my dick? How do you think it would feel to have dollface in front of you, taking her hot pussy while I pound my come into your ass, huh?”
Ethan’s long, drawn-out groan of agreement was enough to have my hand slipping out of my shorts as my clit throbbed in protest. What was he saying? Did they want me as much as I wanted them? My mind was racing. Even so, I couldn’t stop watching, and my hands pressed into the hard wall behind me. Did they leave their door open on purpose just so they could put on a show? For me?
“One day, she will be right where we want her. Both of us taking her at the same time.” Brent groaned so deep in his throat it sounded painful. “Making her ours.” With those last words, he thrust deep one last time and grunted up at the ceiling. At the same time, Ethan groaned into the bedding.
Oh, my god. I had to go. Now, or I would risk orgasming in the hallway in front of their room. I slinked back down the hall to my room, my eyes not leaving the sweaty, heaving men. The last thing I saw as I pulled my head in was Brent’s neck turning, the side of his face coming into view.
I quietly closed the door and leaned against it, panting like I had just finished a marathon. He knew I was there. He knew I had watched everything they had done to each other. Was it all just for show? Maybe it was some kind of act? Brent wanting to prove something to me? I didn’t know what except for maybe not to spy on intimate moments. But maybe he actually meant the words. They had both seemed to have gotten off to the images that Brent had painted.
I crept over to my bed, not daring to make a sound. As soon as I was under the covers, I pulled my shorts off, kicking them off my feet and shoving them out of the bed until they were no longer in my way. I spread my legs wide and closed my eyes. Everything I had just witnessed replayed in my mind. I touched my hard clit and whimpered at the sensitivity there.
With the rhythm of Brent’s pounding hips playing like a movie behind my eyelids, I restarted the same momentum as I had in the hallway. Only, in my mind, I changed things to match what he had said. Suddenly, I was between them, one in my pussy, one in my ass, as their hands touched every part of me.
I whimpered and slammed my legs shut as they tensed, trapping my hand as I furiously rubbed my clit. The orgasm came so hard and fast that I couldn’t stop the scream from tearing out of my throat. I clamped a hand over my mouth, but it was too late. I had let the guys know that I had just come while lying just down the hallway. We all knew what we all desired.
I turned onto my side as aftershocks rippled through me. My leg was sore from how hard my muscles had tensed up. I had never come so hard in my life. Somehow, though, I knew that what the guys could do to me would make that orgasm feel like nothing. Even though it was probably wrong and could maybe be considered cheating, the seed had been planted deep. If the guys wanted me like they seemed to tonight, I didn’t think I would ever be able to turn them down. It would be the experience of a lifetime, something I had only read about and thought only existed for women who were lucky enough to find guys to agree to it.
I thought about the guys and how they were in a deeply committed relationship with each other. I didn’t want to come between them other than in bed. Would it cause problems? I wouldn’t be able to stand it if it broke anything between them. Was it really cheating if they both agreed to it?
I fell into a deep, exhausted sleep as the what-ifs, both good and bad, played through my dreams.
I groanedas I woke up, my ass sore from the pounding I had taken the night before and immediately horny when I remembered why. Brent had been insatiable, knowing that Casey had been watching us the entire time. Even though the worry had crept in afterward when he’d caught a glimpse of her face as she backed away, horrified at what she’d done. If she would have hung around just a bit longer, she would have known we were okay with it. Hell, we were both more than ready to invite her into our room and our bed.
Too soon, Ethan. I berated myself as a reminder that we were playing for keeps. She was our end game, and everything we were doing was to ensure that once we had her, she would be there to stay. Forever.
I stretched and turned under the tangled sheets, curving my naked body around Brent’s hard one. Running a hand down his arm and down to his chest, reveling in his muscles that were no less incredible while he was at rest. Then I felt his pectoral tense, and I grinned, knowing he was awake.
He turned over, taking my hand in his and kissing it with a sleepy grin, his blond hair in a mess and covering his forehead. The sight of him like that, all sleep rumpled and relaxed, always made my heart skip a beat. This man had been mine since we were barely more than boys. He had been the one thing that I could always count on to be there with me through every stage of life. Helping get me to where I was today, just like I was always there for him.
“Hey.” His rough voice sent shivers down my back and a tingle to my balls. My morning wood jerked, brushing against his.
“Hey,” I grinned as I reached up to brush a lock of hair from his eyes. “Sleep well?”
He grunted as he leaned forward, crossing the few inches that separated our faces. His soft, closed-mouth kiss had my heart doing a little tango in my chest as it sped up for a second. He would never stop exciting me and making me sigh in contentment. The only thing that could make my life better than having this man by my side would be having our sweet girl in between us.
He brushed one more soft kiss against my lips before sitting up, exposing his hard dick as the sheet dropped into his lap. I eyed it, the hunger never far away, but rolled over so I could rise, too. With our busy schedules, weekdays didn’t leave much time for morning activities. As we both headed into the bathroom and took our places at our individual sinks to brush our teeth, I noticed Brent looking down at the counter, a thoughtful look on his face.
I walked over to the toilet to take a piss with my toothbrush in my mouth and asked what he was thinking about, my words coming out garbled due to the brush and foam. He looked back at me as I flushed. He spit out the toothpaste and then rinsed. He headed to the toilet before finally speaking, gesturing to the double sinks in front of us.
“I could probably special order a triple sink. The counter is long enough to easily fit a third sink. No one would have to wait their turn.” He turned to the large shower that was undoubtedly already big enough for a third body. He looked at me over his shoulder. “I’ll put in the order today. I can have the plumbing done to add the extra sink once it comes in.”
I nodded thoughtfully as I spread shaving foam over my jaw, watching him step into the shower through the mirror. Neither one of us spoke for a while as we got ready to head to work. Standing in the bedroom, I watched as he continued to look around with an assessing eye, and I knew that he was figuring out all the ways that he could make changes to add her into our home.
We hadn’t prepared because it had never been a thing we had expected to happen. Yes, we had talked about it occasionally. Since we were teenagers, we had talked to each other about how we knew we were both attracted to girls. It had never been a secret between us. If anything, our relationship had been brutally honest from the beginning. It was how I had known about the demons that burned darkly inside Brent.
Being attracted to women and talking about the possibility of having one join us in a relationship was always a distant, almost fantasy-type dream. In all this time, we hadn’t encountered a single woman we would have even considered it with. Of course, there were women over the years that thought she would be the one to tempt either Brent or me away from each other. There had even been a couple who asked to spend the night between us, but we had never taken them up on it. Not until this little slip of a thing came into our town with her big blue eyes filled with pain and scared of her own shadow.
I knew Brent had jumped in with both feet, even if I had been wary for a scant few minutes. Seeing him looking for ways to make Casey feel like she was truly a part of our lives had warmth spreading through my chest.
“Why don’t you leave your shirt off for breakfast,” I suggested casually. If we wanted to keep up the momentum, we needed to show our girl what we had to offer her.
He looked down at the t-shirt he was holding with his company logo on it. He had at least ten of those things. He looked back up at me. “Have you ever cooked bacon with a bare chest?” He raised an amused eyebrow at me.